Auction 100 – Important Hebrew Manuscripts and Books from the Victor (Avigdor) Klagsbald Collection
Chochmat HaMishkan / Gravesites of Tzaddikim in Eretz Israel – Mantua, 1676
Opening: $800
Estimate: $1,500 - $2,000
Sold for: $2,000
Including buyer's premium
Two books published by R. Yosef Richetti in Mantua, 1676, in one volume:
· Chochmat HaMishkan, explanation of the form of the Tabernacle vessels and the priestly vestments, by R. Yosef Richetti. Mantua: printer not indicated, [1676]. Only edition.
The introduction to the work was authored by the famous kabbalist R. Moshe Zacuto – the Ramaz (see article by M. Benayahu, cited below).
The final page of this book contains a key for 18 illustrations of each of the Tabernacle vessels and priestly vestments. The author intended to print along with the book illustrations for each one of the Tabernacle vessels and priestly vestments, as he writes in the "author's apologia" on the last leaf: "At the beginning of this labor of mine I intended to design pictures… And I began to make considerable efforts to have the artists engrave the pictures, but it all came to nought, for the labor was ruined, since the artists in this city are not so adept at this work…". The author goes on to state his intention to complete the printing of the pictures when he arrives in Venice, based on the detailed key he printed, but the planned illustrations were evidently never produced.
Gloss in Sephardic script on p. 13a, trimmed, signed: "Ze'eiri HaKohen".
· "Letter on the attribution of Tzaddikim of Eretz Israel", on gravesites of Tzaddikim and holy sites in Eretz Israel. Mantua: printer not indicated, 1676. Published by R. Yosef Richetti.
This work contains the names and descriptions of holy sites in Eretz Israel, with the names of Tzaddikim buried in each of the sites.
Early pilgrims to Eretz Israel would perform "Ziyarah" – tours following a set route, the central element of which was visiting various gravesites of Tzaddikim (most of which were based on identifications by the Arizal). The book begins by listing the sites included in the "Hakafah Ketanah" (short tour), intended for pilgrims visiting only Safed and the area; and continues with the details of the "Hakafah Gedolah" (long tour), which includes various sites throughout the Galilee; followed by the sites to be visited as part of the tour of Jerusalem.
Further details about the cities of Jerusalem and Bethlehem, as well as Hebron and Halhul, are printed on the last page, with each pair of cities within a decorative frame.
The content of this work was printed by emissaries of Eretz Isael throughout the 17th century in several editions, both in book format and as printed posters. A statement from the emissaries of Eretz Israel is printed on the verso of the title page: "When we see… how unfortunately, due to the length of the exile… our holy city has almost been forgotten by our brethren…" (this text appears in the first known edition of the letter in leaf format, 1626).
On the various editions of the letter, both as a book and as a printed poster, see: M. Benayahu (cited below).
R. Yosef Richetti was a talented artist who worked as copyist, scribe and decorator of Megillot and ketubot, painter, potter, metalworker and more. Born in Italy (most likely in Venice) to R. Eliezer Shalit Richetti, he immigrated to Safed in his youth, between 1640-1643, later returning to Italy as emissary of Safed between 1674-1676. He printed the two present works in Mantua that year. See on him at length: M. Benayahu, R. Yosef Richetti – A Young Artist from Italy Who Immigrated to Safed, Asufot, II, 1988, pp. 359-372 (Hebrew).
Chochmat HaMishkan: 9, [3] leaves; Letter on gravesites of Tzaddikim: [4] leaves. Approx. 19 cm. Fair-good condition. Stains, including large dampstains. Close trimming, affecting bottom of title frame of first book, and slightly affecting text of several leaves. New binding.
Early Printed Books – Italy
Early Printed Books – Italy