Auction 050 Part 1 Satmar: Rebbes and Rabbis of Satmar-Sighet, Hungary and Transylvania
Nov 21, 2023
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Auction 050 Part 1 Satmar: Rebbes and Rabbis of Satmar-Sighet, Hungary and Transylvania
Nov 21, 2023
Opening: $100
Sold for: $325
Including buyer's premium
Collection of posters and notices for the visits of Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar in Eretz Israel. Jerusalem and London, 1932, 1946 and 1959.
* Large poster printed for the visit of Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar in Eretz Israel in Av 1932, from the directorship of Kollel Shomrei HaChomot. Jerusalem: Moriah, [1932]. Early poster, from the Rebbe's tenure as Rabbi of Carei, before he began to serve as Av Beit Din of Satmar: "Give honor to the Torah – a sage is coming to town… R. Yoel Teitelbaum, Gaon Av Beit Din and yeshiva dean in Carei and the region".
* Printed postcard, notice from "Satmar-Sighet Chassidim in Tel Aviv" of the arrival of Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar in their city on Shabbat Parashat Ki Tisa: "the Rebbe… will pray and speak at the large Chassidic Yavneh synagogue on Yavneh Street", and was to stay in the house of the philanthropist R. Yechiel Benedict. Tel Aviv, Adar I 1946.
* Issue of the Yiddishe Post – Jewish Post newspaper from 27 Sivan, 1959, with Yiddish and English articles on Rebbe Yoel of Satmar's visit in London on his way to Eretz Israel (with the Rebbe's picture).
* Poster – "a holy Tzaddik has come to town, give honor to the Torah", an invitation from the "Reception Committee of the Edah HaCharedit" to receive Rebbe Yoel of Satmar in the Jerusalem train station: "We will go, young and old, to the train station to make the pilgrimage…". Jerusalem: Chorev, [Tamuz 1959].
* Two letters (mimeograph print) from the directorship of the Edah HaCharedit – reception for the Rebbe's arrival in the Jerusalem train station. Tamuz 1959.
* Poster printed on the occasion of the Satmar Rebbe's visit in Eretz Israel in Tamuz 1959 – "This is not the way" – wherein the "senior members of the Edah HaCharedit" protest the Rebbe's use of a government train – "the train of honor": "With that train Shabbat is desecrated publicly, and it is certainly against our Rebbe's wishes to travel with a train of the heretical government".
* And more.
10 items. Varying size and condition.
Posters and Notices – Satmar Chassidut in the United States and Eretz Israel
Auction 050 Part 1 Satmar: Rebbes and Rabbis of Satmar-Sighet, Hungary and Transylvania
Nov 21, 2023
Opening: $150
Sold for: $275
Including buyer's premium
Collection of items printed and made by the Edah HaCharedit in Jerusalem on the occasion of the visit of their Gaon Av Beit Din, Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar. Jerusalem, 1950s-1960s.
1. Fabric ribbon meant to be worn on the shoulder of a train steward, on which is printed the inscription: "Edah HaCharedit, Jerusalem – Steward – Carriage 2" (the letter Bet signifying 2 is written by hand in green).
2. Train ticket from the visit of the Rebbe in 1955: "Train ticket – special train – Haifa-Jerusalem – to the reception of the Rebbe of Satmar in Jerusalem – 8 Tamuz, 5715 [1955]. Price 1.450 pruta".
3. Train ticket from the visit of the Rebbe in 1959: "Train ticket – special train – Haifa-Jerusalem – to the reception of the Rebbe of Satmar in Jerusalem – 7 Tamuz, 5719 [1959]. Price 2.585 lira".
On the back of the card is printed: "This ticket entitles you to travel from Haifa to Jerusalem on the train of honor that passes through and stops particularly in Tel Aviv – and also serves as a permit to enter the Haifa port".
4-8. Five train tickets to greet the Rebbe in 1965 (carriages 2, 3, 4, 6, 7): "Train ticket – special train of honor – Haifa-Jerusalem – to the reception of the Rebbe of Satmar – 29 Sivan, 5725 [1965]. Price 3.60 lira".
9. Train ticket for children from the Rebbe's visit in 1965: "Train ticket for children up to 10 years of age – special train of honor – Haifa-Jerusalem – to the reception of the Rebbe of Satmar – 29 Sivan, 5725 [1965]. Price 1.80 lira".
Three of the tickets are stamped on the reverse side with the stamp of the "Yitav Lev Satmar yeshiva" in Jerusalem.
9 items. Steward's ribbon: approx. 15x11 cm. Train tickets: approx. 9-11 cm. Good condition. Stains and wear to ribbon. Creases and light damage to some tickets. One of the tickets reinforced with paper on the reverse side; another ticket repaired with tape.
Posters and Notices – Satmar Chassidut in the United States and Eretz Israel
Auction 050 Part 1 Satmar: Rebbes and Rabbis of Satmar-Sighet, Hungary and Transylvania
Nov 21, 2023
Opening: $120
Sold for: $150
Including buyer's premium
Three flags prepared by the Edah HaCharedit in Jerusalem on the occasion of the visit of Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar.
1. Flag (without pole) prepared for the Rebbe's visit in 1959. On one side is written "Baruch HaBa BeShem Hashem – 9 Tamuz, 5719 [1959]"; on the other side is written "Long live our master, teacher and rabbi – the righteous blossoms as a palm".
31.5x17.5 cm.
2. Flag prepared for the Rebbe's visit in 1965. On one side is written "Baruch HaBa BeShem Hashem – 29 Tamuz, 5725 [1965]"; on the other side is written "Long live our master, teacher and rabbi – the righteous blossoms as a palm". 27.5x17.5 cm. Length of wooden pole: 28 cm.
3. Flag (without pole) prepared for one of the Rebbe's visits in Eretz Israel. On one side is written "The righteous blossom as a palm – blessed are you when you come and blessed are you when you go"; and on the other side is written "Light is sown for the righteous – this is the gate of the Lord, the righteous come in it – long live our master and rabbi".
Approx. 28x23 cm.
Good condition. Folds. Stains and wear (particularly to the second flag dated 1965).
Posters and Notices – Satmar Chassidut in the United States and Eretz Israel
Auction 050 Part 1 Satmar: Rebbes and Rabbis of Satmar-Sighet, Hungary and Transylvania
Nov 21, 2023
Opening: $100
Sold for: $125
Including buyer's premium
Nine booklets, pamphlets and newsletters printed by Satmar Chassidut, Neturei Karta and the Edah HaCharedit, against Zionism and the State of Israel:
* Al HaNisim, explanation of the recent events, by "a man of Neturei Karta". Jerusalem: Chorev, 1957.
Polemical work following the victory of the IDF in the Sinai War (1956), in which the anonymous author sharply attacks those who see the victory as the work of divine providence. [The author is known to be R. Yerachmiel Yisrael Yitzchak Domb (1915-2013).]
* HaShofet SheBeYamecha, an explanatory pamphlet by the rabbis of the Edah HaCharedit in Jerusalem, headed by Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar, regarding the prohibition to participate in the elections to the Israeli Knesset; based on Vayoel Moshe by the Rebbe of Satmar. Jerusalem, [1960].
* El HaYare VeHaChared – "on the prohibition to participate in the elections to the Knesset in Israel; published by the publicity division of the Edah HaCharedit". Jerusalem: HaTechiyah, 1961.
* Dibrot Kodesh, by Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar, "…to clarify the Torah's view on the evil of Zionism… specifically after the United Nations' announcement that Zionism is racism" – copy of HaDerashah HaGedolah in 1948, and Derashat Kinus Klali in Sivan 1961, and more.
* Dibrot Kodesh, by Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar, "the Torah's view on some modern problems, and particularly Kiddush HaShem" – a transcript "…from his rousing speech… on the danger of Zionism and the religious people who flatter them, causing hundreds of thousands to transgress their religion...". Jerusalem, Shevat 1969.
* Daat Torah, on the grave prohibition to receive money from Zionist institutions for yeshivas and Torah schools, including the "ruling of Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum, Gaon Av Beit Din of Jerusalem, in 1975". Edah HaCharedit: Jerusalem, 1978.
* "Clarification of the halachah and the Torah's view on participating in the elections of the heretics' Knesset", reprinted from Maamar Shelosh HaShevuot in Vayoel Moshe by Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar. No date or place of publication noted.
* HaMechaah, newsletter of Satmar Chassidim in London protesting autopsies. No date or place of publication noted.
8 items. Varying size and condition. Good general condition.
Posters and Notices – Satmar Chassidut in the United States and Eretz Israel
Auction 050 Part 1 Satmar: Rebbes and Rabbis of Satmar-Sighet, Hungary and Transylvania
Nov 21, 2023
Opening: $150
Sold for: $238
Including buyer's premium
Large collection of 22 large posters, announcements, notices and leaflets – against participating in the elections, and against the State of Israel and Zionism, with the (printed) signatures of Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar and the important rebbes and rabbis of the extreme factions in Jerusalem – the Edah HaCharedit and Neturei Karta. [Israel and United States, ca. first half of the 20th century.]
The vast majority of the collection deals with the prohibition to vote and participate in the elections to the Knesset; another part deals with general opposition to the State of Israel and Zionism: the prohibition to accept funding from the state, the prohibition to participate in celebrations and parades for Israeli Independence Day, conscription and national service for girls, the prohibition to visit the Western Wall and holy places, and more.
Titles: "The Torah's view"; "Severe warning"; "Halachic ruling"; "Behold, Your enemies will perish"; "What does the posek of the generation say?"; "Words of the living God"; "The national Agudah committee – why?"; and more.
One of the posters is a "new year message" from Rebbe Yoel of Satmar after Israel's victory in the Six Day War, Iyar 1967, who writes: "We have gone through a difficult year, a year of tests and trials". He calls for perseverance not to fall in the "Zionist trap" – "and may we succeed in God's will to continue the holy Torah's way… and not, God forbid, turn a hairsbreadth from [our rabbis'] ways". The Rebbe gives a blessing for Ketivah VaChatimah Tovah and for a speedy salvation. Jerusalem, Elul 1967.
The posters and notices bear the (printed) signature of Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar and the Berach Moshe Rebbe of Satmar. Some of the posters are signed by the Central Rabbinical Congress in the United States and the rabbis and dayanim of the Edah HaCharedit in Jerusalem: R. David HaLevi Jungreis, R. Yitzchak Yaakov Weiss, R. Moshe Aryeh Freund, R. Yisrael Moshe Dushinsky, R. Eliyahu Zlotnik, R. Pinchas Epstein, R. Yisrael Yitzchak HaLevi Reisman, R. Levi Yitzchak Grünwald Av Beit Din of Tzelem (Deutschkreutz), R. Sadqa Hussein, R. Yaakov Mutzafi, and more.
22 items. Varying size and condition.
Posters and Notices – Satmar Chassidut in the United States and Eretz Israel
Auction 050 Part 1 Satmar: Rebbes and Rabbis of Satmar-Sighet, Hungary and Transylvania
Nov 21, 2023
Opening: $200
Sold for: $350
Including buyer's premium
Large and assorted collection of 26 large posters, announcements, notices and printed leaflets – with the (printed) stamp of Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar, and the important rabbis and rebbes of the extreme Orthodox factions in Eretz Israel and worldwide – the Edah HaCharedit, the Central Rabbinical Congress and more. [Israel and United States, ca. second half of 20th century.]
The vast majority of the collection deals with various struggles of Charedi Judaism: forbidding voting in the elections to the "Knesset of heretics"; opposition to Zionism and the Agudat Yisrael and Mizrachi parties; refusal to receive money from the government for schools; forbidding participation in the celebrations and parades for Israeli Independence Day; the struggle against desecration of graves and autopsy; conscription and national service for girls; the struggle for the independence of the Bnei Brak rabbinate and opposition to the appointment of a "religious council" in the city; posters to support modesty; refraining from watching television and reading inappropriate newspapers; fighting the Reform Siddur of Alexander Altman; halachic decision of the Satmar Rebbe and the Central Rabbinical Congress against the halachic decision permitting artificial insemination; polemical posters against Satmar Chassidut; and more.
Among the posters especially worthy of notice:
* Invitation to "all the fellow Chassidim of… the Rebbe of Satmar… to an extremely urgent gathering… joined by R. Shlomo Braver… a faithful messenger of the Rebbe to our Chassidim, to deliver greetings and urgent current matters…". Jerusalem: Grünfeld, [ca. 1940s-1950s].
* "New year message" from Rebbe Yoel of Satmar after Israel's victory in the Six Day War, Iyar 1967: "We have gone through a difficult year, a year of tests and trials". He calls for perseverance not to fall in the "Zionist trap" – "and may we succeed in God's will to continue the holy Torah's way… and not, God forbid, turn a hairsbreadth from [our rabbis'] ways". The Rebbe gives a blessing for Ketivah VaChatimah Tovah and for a speedy salvation. Jerusalem, Elul 1967.
* Kol MeHeichal – invitation to an assembly of the Orthodox communities in New York, joined by the Rebbe of Satmar. Sivan 1978.
26 posters. Varying size and condition.
Posters and Notices – Satmar Chassidut in the United States and Eretz Israel
Auction 050 Part 1 Satmar: Rebbes and Rabbis of Satmar-Sighet, Hungary and Transylvania
Nov 21, 2023
Opening: $120
Sold for: $150
Including buyer's premium
Large assorted collection of posters and notices, letters and receipts from Satmar Torah and educational institutions. [Eretz Israel and United States, ca. 1940s-1980s.]
* Printed poster – "Give honor to the Torah" – invitation to the inauguration of the new building of the Satmar Yitav Lev yeshiva and dormitories for refugees of Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum, to be held 29 Shevat… 5714 [1954] – the yahrzeit of the Kedushat Yom Tov – joined by rebbes, Torah scholars and yeshiva deans…". Jerusalem: Grünfeld, [1954].
* Printed poster – "Kiryat Yoel neighborhood" in Bnei Brak – the invitation of the "neighborhood committee" to their fellow Satmar Chassidim to register for an apartment in the project. [Bnei Brak], 29 Shevat, 1957.
* Printed poster from the directorship of the Torah VeYirah Satmar yeshiva in Brooklyn, New York – invitation to participate in a fundraising dinner for the yeshiva and a celebratory meal for the day the Rebbe was saved, joined by Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar, Sunday, 21 Kislev. [Brooklyn, New York, 1960s-1970s.]
* Letter of recommendation for a student from the directorship of the Yitav Lev Satmar yeshiva in Jerusalem, signed by the principal R. Chananya Yom Tov Lipa Schwartz, with the stamp of the yeshiva. Jerusalem, 16 Iyar, 1976.
* General letter from the directorship of the Center of Rebbe Yoel of Satmar's Institutions to fellow Satmar Chassidim about the prohibition to vote in the elections for the "Knesset of heretics". Kiryat Yoel, Bnei Brak, Tuesday, Parashat Korach, 1981.
* General letter from the directorship of the Center of Rebbe Yoel of Satmar's Institutions, gathering of Satmar Chassidim for the yahrzeit of Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar. Kiryat Yoel, Bnei Brak, Av 1982.
* General letter from the directorship of the Center of Rebbe Yoel of Satmar's Institutions – "a cry for rescue" to fellow Satmar Chassidim to help the institutions. Kiryat Yoel, Bnei Brak, 15 Elul, 1982.
* Three letters from the directorship of Satmar institutions in Eretz Israel, regarding the struggle to receive the house of the Rabbi of Tolcsva, father-in-law of the Yitav Lev, in the Old City of Safed. Bnei Brak, 1980-1985.
* Printed booklet – "History of the Great Yitav Lev Yeshiva of Satmar" – Yiddish and Hebrew overview (containing pictures from the earliest days of the yeshiva). [Israel, ca. 1970s.]
* More receipts, invitations, printed paperwork and letters.
Over 30 items. Varying size and condition.
Posters and Notices – Satmar Chassidut in the United States and Eretz Israel
Auction 050 Part 1 Satmar: Rebbes and Rabbis of Satmar-Sighet, Hungary and Transylvania
Nov 21, 2023
Opening: $100
Sold for: $250
Including buyer's premium
Collection of invitations and notices for 21 Kislev, "Liberation and Rescue Day" of Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar:
* Invitation of Satmar Yitav Lev community in Brooklyn, New York (signed by president of community, R. Meshulam Feish Moskowitz) to a festive meal to be held in the Beit Midrash on 15 Lewis Street, New York, on 21 Kislev, 1949.
* Invitation of Vaad Anash Chassidei Satmar in Jerusalem to a festive meal and national gathering to be held in the Satmar Yitav Lev yeshiva on 21 Kislev, 1958. Three copies (one copy sent to R. Lipa Friedman).
* Invitation of Satmar Torah VeYirah yeshiva (signed by community leaders R. Leibish Lefkowitz and R. Sender Deutsch), for an annual fundraiser and festive meal to be held at New York State Armory in Williamsburg, 21 Kislev, 1961.
* Invitation of the management of the Maharit institutions to participate in a festive meal and annual national gathering to be held at Maharit yeshiva in Bnei Brak on 21 Kislev, 1967 (sent to R. Shalom Rosenthal of Safed).
* Invitation of the Rebbe's institutions in Jerusalem for a festive meal and annual national gathering to be held at Satmar Ohel Rachel Beit Midrash on 21 Kislev, 1968 (sent to R. Shalom Rosenthal of Safed).
* R. Menachem Schlesinger, Record of the Rebbe of Satmar's Rescue from the Nazis with About 1,600 Jews, Tel Aviv 1966 (Hebrew).
* Enclosed booklet: "Rabbeinu HaKadosh" (Yiddish), 13 principles of faith translated into Yiddish, with guidance and stories. Kiryas Joel, Monroe, S. Schnitzer [ca. 1982].
9 items. Varying size and condition. Overall good condition.
Posters and Notices – Satmar Chassidut in the United States and Eretz Israel
Auction 050 Part 1 Satmar: Rebbes and Rabbis of Satmar-Sighet, Hungary and Transylvania
Nov 21, 2023
Opening: $100
Sold for: $163
Including buyer's premium
Two volumes of the monthly periodical Di Torah Velt – The Torah World, published by Rebbe Asher Anshel Krausz, rabbi of Kehal Ratzfert.
* "Di Torah Velt, monthly edition to strengthen religion". Volume of issues of year I. Brooklyn, New York, 1976-1977. Yiddish.The first twelve issues of the monthly periodical Di Torah Velt, first year, months Elul 1976 – Av 1977. Includes Torah articles, news on the Torah and Chassidic world, commemorative articles on European Jewry before the Holocaust, coverage of Torah leaders of previous generations, pictures and facsimiles of manuscripts from the writings of the great Jewish sages, stories of Tzaddikim, educational and ethical guidance for Jewish children and women, and more.
12 issues. Varying sequence. 37 cm. Most issues in good condition, stains and wear. Tears and open tears affecting text. Sivan issue in fair condition. Large open tears on upper margins of most leaves, greatly affecting text. Binding decorated with gold blocking.
* "Special, expanded issue of Di Torah Velt, published in honor of the first yahrzeit of Rebbe Yoel of Satmar, 26th Av 5740 [1980]". Williamsburg: Hadar, 1980. Yiddish.
Special, expanded issue of Di Torah Velt, published on the occasion of the first yahrzeit of Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar – volume containing collected articles about and eulogies for the Rebbe of Satmar, accompanied by hundreds of pictures of the Rebbe, his attendants and court, portraits and facsimiles of letters, announcements and documents. At the beginning of the book is an introduction by the publisher and editor, Rebbe Asher Anshel Krausz, Rabbi of Kehal Ratzfert.
[1], 2-192 pages. Approx. 37 cm. Good condition. Stains and wear. Leaves trimmed, lightly affecting the margins of the text on some leaves. New binding.
Posters and Notices – Satmar Chassidut in the United States and Eretz Israel
Auction 050 Part 1 Satmar: Rebbes and Rabbis of Satmar-Sighet, Hungary and Transylvania
Nov 21, 2023
Opening: $50
Sold for: $63
Including buyer's premium
Two prayer booklets for the recovery of Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar. Brooklyn, New York: Yerushalayim Press, [1970s].
"Prayer for the recovery and health of Rebbe Yoel son of Chanah from Psalm 119" –
"Printed at the request of the righteous Rebbetzin to recite these psalms every day".
The two booklets contain Psalm 103, and the verses of Psalm 119 forming the acrostic of the name of the Rebbe and his mother – "Yoel ben Chanah". At the end of one of the booklets is also printed a prayer to be said after reciting psalms. Yellow title cover for one of the booklets, with an ink inscription in its margins –
"Tehillim group for schoolchildren – 'Psalms for Yoel son of Chanah', Jerusalem".
[8] leaves; [4] leaves. 15.5-16.5 cm. Good condition. Stains and light wear.
Posters and Notices – Satmar Chassidut in the United States and Eretz Israel
Auction 050 Part 1 Satmar: Rebbes and Rabbis of Satmar-Sighet, Hungary and Transylvania
Nov 21, 2023
Opening: $100
Sold for: $150
Including buyer's premium
Collection of newspapers, booklets and notices printed after the passing of Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar, and for yahrzeits. Eretz Israel and United States, 1979-2009. Hebrew, Yiddish and English.
* Eulogy by R. Elazar Menachem Shach, Bnei Brak, Elul, 1979. Hebrew.
* Issue of Hamodia newspaper with banner headline on the passing of the Rebbe of Satmar. Jerusalem, August 20, 1979. Hebrew.
* Issue of the Tribune weekly, with main headline on the passing of the Rebbe of Satmar, with pictures from the Rebbe's funeral. New York, August 21, 1979. English.
* Issue 43 of Der Yid newspaper, dedicated to the 18th yahrtzeit of the Rebbe of Satmar. New York, August 29, 1997. Yiddish.
* Rabbeinu HaKadosh, with 13 principles of faith in Yiddish translation, guidance and stories. Kiryas Joel, Monroe: S. Schnitzer, [ca. 1982]. Yiddish.
* Issue of Mirveh LeTzama weekly, dedicated to the passing of Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar (with pictures). Bnei Brak, 3 Elul, 1979.
* Issue of Tzofar weekly, dedicated to the passing of Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar (with pictures). Jerusalem, Rosh Chodesh Elul, 1979.
* Issue 316 of Shaah Tovah weekly, containing a lengthy article dedicated to the Satmar Rebbe. Av 2009.
* Two issues of Hamodia magazine in English, dedicated to the Satmar Rebbe. August 2008/August 2009. English.
9 items. Varying size and condition. Overall good condition.
Posters and Notices – Satmar Chassidut in the United States and Eretz Israel