Assorted Collection of Posters – Struggles of Orthodox Judaism – Rebbe Yoel of Satmar, Rebbes and Rabbis

Opening: $200
Sold for: $350
Including buyer's premium
Large and assorted collection of 26 large posters, announcements, notices and printed leaflets – with the (printed) stamp of Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar, and the important rabbis and rebbes of the extreme Orthodox factions in Eretz Israel and worldwide – the Edah HaCharedit, the Central Rabbinical Congress and more. [Israel and United States, ca. second half of 20th century.]
The vast majority of the collection deals with various struggles of Charedi Judaism: forbidding voting in the elections to the "Knesset of heretics"; opposition to Zionism and the Agudat Yisrael and Mizrachi parties; refusal to receive money from the government for schools; forbidding participation in the celebrations and parades for Israeli Independence Day; the struggle against desecration of graves and autopsy; conscription and national service for girls; the struggle for the independence of the Bnei Brak rabbinate and opposition to the appointment of a "religious council" in the city; posters to support modesty; refraining from watching television and reading inappropriate newspapers; fighting the Reform Siddur of Alexander Altman; halachic decision of the Satmar Rebbe and the Central Rabbinical Congress against the halachic decision permitting artificial insemination; polemical posters against Satmar Chassidut; and more.
Among the posters especially worthy of notice:
* Invitation to "all the fellow Chassidim of… the Rebbe of Satmar… to an extremely urgent gathering… joined by R. Shlomo Braver… a faithful messenger of the Rebbe to our Chassidim, to deliver greetings and urgent current matters…". Jerusalem: Grünfeld, [ca. 1940s-1950s].
* "New year message" from Rebbe Yoel of Satmar after Israel's victory in the Six Day War, Iyar 1967: "We have gone through a difficult year, a year of tests and trials". He calls for perseverance not to fall in the "Zionist trap" – "and may we succeed in God's will to continue the holy Torah's way… and not, God forbid, turn a hairsbreadth from [our rabbis'] ways". The Rebbe gives a blessing for Ketivah VaChatimah Tovah and for a speedy salvation. Jerusalem, Elul 1967.
* Kol MeHeichal – invitation to an assembly of the Orthodox communities in New York, joined by the Rebbe of Satmar. Sivan 1978.

26 posters. Varying size and condition.

Posters and Notices – Satmar Chassidut in the United States and Eretz Israel
Posters and Notices – Satmar Chassidut in the United States and Eretz Israel