Auction 44 - Judaica: Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Yalkut Shimoni - Venice 1566 - Ancient Glosses from the Printing Period

Opening: $600
Sold for: $1,375
Including buyer's premium
Sefer Yalkut Shimoni, on the Torah. [Venice, 1566. Alvise Bragadin printing press. Second edition].
On the first leaf appear ancient signatures of the printing period: "Mandil", "my young brother Yehuda Leib ben …HaRav HaGadol…Menachem Mendel…"; …Meir…". On the last leaf appear additional signatures in ancient handwriting: "Shlomo Zalman"; Gavriel ben HaEloki….Segal".
Tens of long glosses, commentaries and comments, in ancient Ashkenazi handwriting from the printing period [typical of the late 16th century]. Most glosses appear in Bereshit. Some comments are by a second writer, same period, with Kabbalic content. Throughout the book were written hundreds [!] of references in ancient Ashkenazi handwriting [typical of 16/17th century handwriting].
(A copy missing title page and last page) 2-313 leaves (originally: 313, [1] leaves). 28 cm. Fair-poor condition, significant wear and spotting. Damages with text omission to several leaves. Worm damages. Detached leaves and worn binding.
Handwritten Glosses
Handwritten Glosses