Auction 21 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture

The Work of Picasso - Cover Design by Aleksandra Ekster

Opening: $400
׀Ÿ׀¸׀÷׀°ׁׁ׀¾ ׀¸ ׀ž׀÷ׁ€׀µׁׁ‚׀½׀¾ׁׁ‚׀¸, ׀˜. ׀ ׀׀÷ׁׁ‘׀½׀¾׀²ׁŠ, ׀¦׀µ׀½ׁ‚ׁ€׀¸ׁ„ׁƒ׀³׀° publishing, Moscow, 1917.
A book about Picasso's art, with 12 reproductions of his works. Cover design by Aleksandra Ekster. See previous item. 27.5 cm. 62, [10] pp. Fair condition. Stains, tears at borders of leaves, detached leaves.
Items of interest of a non-Jewish nature
Items of interest of a non-Jewish nature