Auction 50 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
The Woodcuts of Solomon Yudovin – St. Petersburg, 1928 – Numbered Copy
Opening: $1,000
С. Юдовин. Гравюры на дереве. Текст И. Иоффе и Э. Голлербаха [S. Yudovin, woodcuts - Graviury Na Dereve, Ieremia Ioffe and Erikh Gollerbakh]. Leningrad (St. Petersburg), 1928. First edition. Russian.
A book about the woodcuts of the Jewish artist Solomon Yudovin (1892-1945). Copy no. 21 out of 50 numbered copies. The number appears on the first leaf with a small woodcut by Yudovin.
Yudovin's woodcuts portray, in a naturalistic manner, motifs of Jewish folklore art and scenes of life in a Jewish town, as viewed by Yudovin who took part in the Jewish ethnographic expeditions headed by S. An-sky in the "Pale of Settlement" during the years 1912-1914.
47, [1] pp, 25 cm. Good condition. Tears and damages to cover. Restored spine. Covers restored with adhesive tape. In a cardboard case, covered with cloth with a photograph of the front cover.
A book about the woodcuts of the Jewish artist Solomon Yudovin (1892-1945). Copy no. 21 out of 50 numbered copies. The number appears on the first leaf with a small woodcut by Yudovin.
Yudovin's woodcuts portray, in a naturalistic manner, motifs of Jewish folklore art and scenes of life in a Jewish town, as viewed by Yudovin who took part in the Jewish ethnographic expeditions headed by S. An-sky in the "Pale of Settlement" during the years 1912-1914.
47, [1] pp, 25 cm. Good condition. Tears and damages to cover. Restored spine. Covers restored with adhesive tape. In a cardboard case, covered with cloth with a photograph of the front cover.
Manuscripts and Autographs, Archives, Hebrew Literature, Yiddish Literature and Avant-garde
Manuscripts and Autographs, Archives, Hebrew Literature, Yiddish Literature and Avant-garde