Auction 85 - Judaica: Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art
Two Manuscripts on the Laws of Shechitah – With Two Certificates of Ordination by Rabbi Chananya Elchanan Chai Kohen Rabbi of Florence, Disciple of the Zera Shimshon – 1812-1833
Two manuscripts for the study and review of the laws of shechitah and bedikah (ritual slaughter and examination), in Hebrew and Italian. Each one contains a certificate of ordination from R. Chananya Elchanan Chai Kohen Rabbi of Florence (Italy), disciple of the Zera Shimshon:
1. Manuscript, summary of laws of shechitah and bedikah in Italian (in Latin characters). Certificate of ordination (in Hebrew) for the shochet R. Yosef son of R. Natan Orvieto in neat scribal script, signed by R. Chananya Elchanan Chai Kohen. Florence, 1828.
16 pages. 14.5 cm. + [2] folded pages (24 cm; pasted on p. 15) + [1] leaf – certificate of ordination (21.5 cm). Good condition. Stains. Detached leaves.
2. Manuscript, summary of laws of shechitah and bedikah, with list of permitted birds according to the traditions of Florence and Livorno. [Florence, 1812]. Hebrew, with several words in Italian (in Latin characters).
Certificate of ordination (in Hebrew) on final leaf of manuscript, accorded in Florence in 1833 to R. Shmuel son of the wealthy R. Yehuda Ambron, written by a scribe and signed by R. Chananya Elchanan Chai Kohen, rabbi of Florence.
23, [1] leaves. 15 cm. Good condition. Stains. Tears to title page from ink erosion. Soft parchment binding.
R. Chananya Elchanan Chai Kohen (1751-1833), disciple of R. Shimshon Chaim Nachmani author of Zera Shimshon. Served as rabbi of Reggio and Florence, and founded the printing firm in Reggio. Composed many textbooks for teachers and students.
PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.