Auction 11 - Israeli History and Culture

Two Documents – Sweden, 1802-1807

Opening: $1,500
1. Kongl. Maj:ts och Rickets Commerce-Collegii Kungorelse. Stockholm, 8.2.1802. Order concerning prohibition of trade by foreign citizens, in particular Italians and Jews. Swedish.
[4] Pages, 20.5 cm. Good condition.
2. Kongl. Maj:ts och Rickets Commerce-Collegii Kungorelse. Stockholm, 14.4.1807. Regulations for mobility of Jews in Sweden. Swedish.
[4] Pages, 20 cm. Good condition.
There is only scarce evidence of Jewish presence in Sweden until the 18th century; under the rule of Gustav III (1771-1792) the situation has changed and the Jews were permitted to settle in Stockholm, Goteborg and Norrkoping, under certain restrictions. Regulations were published in 1782 concerning Jews in Sweden, based on similar regulation in Europe (in particular Prussia), though these regulations were somewhat more liberal. However, Jews were treated in Sweden as intruders and foreigners, such as in other European countries.
Various Communities
Various Communities