Auction 050 Part 2 Special Chabad Auction in Honor of Chag HaGeulah Yud-Tes Kislev – Rosh Hashana of Chassidut – Marking the Date in which Rebbe Shneur Zalman of Liadi was Released from Czarist Imprisonment
Three Silver Kiddush Cups Bought by the Rebbe Rashab for his Three Granddaughters for Pesach
Three small silver Kiddush cups bought by Rebbe Shalom Dov Ber Schneerson, the Rebbe Rashab of Lubavitch, as a gift for his granddaughters – the young daughters of the Rebbe Rayatz, sisters Chana, Chaya Mushka and Sheina Schneerson – for the four cups of the Pesach Seder night.
Three small Kiddush cups, decorated with illustrations and vegetal motifs. Silver (84), marked: Kiev – 1899-1904; two of them (with identical decorations) are marked with the maker's mark Г.Р [G.R], and the third is marked with the maker's mark ИЕЗ [IEZ; Israel Eseevich Zakhoder].
Enclosed is a letter of authenticity (handwritten note in English), signed in Hebrew by Rebbetzin Chana Gurary (1899-1991), the eldest sister: "I hereby gift… the three small Kiddush cups that my grandfather [the Rashab] bought me and my sisters. We drank wine by the Seder at my grandfather's as young girls". The letter is dated March 4, 1990.
Three cups. 3.5x4.5 cm. Good condition.
Included is a wooden box that may have also been used by the rebbe or his family (the box was given along with the cups, but it is not mentioned in the letter of authenticity).