Auction 12 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Three proclamations – Jerusalem – Rabbi Kook

Opening: $120
Sold for: $150
Including buyer's premium
1. "World of Darkness – G-D's Mercy", a harsh proclamation of contempt against Rabbi Kook, "who expressed at the University that from 'Zion shall go forth Torah'...". Signed: Tzeirey Shlomey Emunei Israel". Jerusalem1933. Bibliographically Unknown.
2. "Thou shall not give your daughter to a school where Hebrew is being learned" – proclamation referring to the fight against the study of Hebrew in Jerusalem. [Jerusalem, Yehuda Ve-Yerushalayim Printing Press, early 20th century].
3. Proclamation on behalf of "Histadrut Ha'Mizrachi" and "Ha'TZa'ir Eretz Ha'Israeli" – announcement concerning participation in the elections for the assembly "with the ballot to arranged with the consent of Ha'Gaon [Rabbi] Kook". [Jerusalem, Raphael Chaim Ha'Cohen Printing press].
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Objects and single pages
Objects and single pages