Auction 51 Part II - Ceremonial Art Manuscripts Graphics Objects

Three Pairs of Torah Finials - Persia-Jerusalem

Opening: $800
Sold for: $2,500
Including buyer's premium
Three pairs of Torah finials. Persia-Jerusalem, [late 19th century to 1920s].
Silver repouseé, engraved and punched.
1. Conical finials, cylindrical stem and a ball. Body of finials and upper part are adorned with geometric and vegetal patterns. Topped with a finial. Six chains ending with shell-shaped ornaments. A dedication is engraved on the handles: "These finials were dedicated by Malca Yatova Yerushalem /…their mother Hannah Baba… 5685" (Hebrew). Small differences between the designs of both finials. Height: 27 cm. Good-fair condition. Some breaks and bends. Missing one chain and shell, damages to shells.
2. Pear-shaped finials, on a cylindrical stem and ball. Body of finials and upper part are decorated with geometric and vegetal motifs. Topped with a finial. Eight chains ending with bells. Engraved on each handle is a dedication (identical): "…Avraham Bechor…" (Hebrew). Height: 27.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Breaks and bends. Missing chains and bells. Soldering repairs.
3. Conical finials, on a cylindrical stem with a ball. Body of finials and upper part are adorned with geometric and vegetal motifs. Topped with a flower-bud-shaped decoration. Eight chains ending with shell-shaped ornamentations. Height: 27.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Bends, repairs. Missing five chains and shells, damages to shells.
Provenance: Collection of Willy Lindwer.