Auction 45 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture

Three Books by Gershom Scholem - Dedications

Opening: $300
Three books by Gershom Scholem. Hanover, Berlin and Jerusalem, 1927-1930.
Two of the books bear a handwritten dedication by Scholem to Kitty Marx (Steinschneider):
1. Sefer Ha-Tamar, Das Buch van der Palma des Abu Aflah aus Syracus, ein Text aus der Arabischen Geheimwissenschaft, Heft II: Uebersetzung.
[Sefer HaTamar... Part two; Translation]. Hanover: Orient Buchhandlung Heinz Lafaire, 1927. German. A short dedication in German to Kitty Marx appears on the title page. (Dated: April, 1929. Not signed).
2. Amtliches Lehrgedicht der Philosophischen Fakultät der Haupt, und Staats, Universität Muri, von Gerhard Scholem. Berlin, 1928. Second edition. German. Satiric book by Gershom Scholem, dedicated (in print) to his friend, Walter Benjamin. Printed in 250 numbered copies; this copy is number 158.
3. Franz Rosenzweig and his book Kochav HaGeula - speech in his memory delivered by Gershom Scholem in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem on the thirtieth day of his passing. Jerusalem: “HaIvri” printing press, 1930. Hebrew. A handwritten dedication: “My writing - for Kitty…” (not signed), appears on the title page.
Size and condition varies.
Manuscripts and Autographs, Archives, Hebrew Literature and Periodicals, Yiddish Literature
Manuscripts and Autographs, Archives, Hebrew Literature and Periodicals, Yiddish Literature