Auction 6 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters

viewing at noon

Synagogues in Germany – Four Books

Opening: $250
Sold for: $313
Including buyer's premium
1. Festschrift zum hundertjährigen bestehen des Israelitischen tempels in Hamburg, 1818-1918. Book marking 100th anniversary of synagogue in Hamburg. Hamburg, 1918.With photo of synagogue's interior and exterior, as well as founders' photos.
2. Festgabe 50 jahre Hauptsynagoge München 1887-1937. Tribute marking jubilee of Munich's synagogue. Munich, 1937. Includes photographs.
3. Fsetschrift zur einweihung der Synagoge in Stuttgart. Booklet in honor of inauguration of Stuttgart synagogue. Stuttgart, 1952. Includes many photographs.
4. Die Architektur der Synagoge, Hans-Peter Schwarz. "Architecture of the Synagogue". Frankfurt am Main, 1989. Published by German Museum of Architecture. Book of wide content, featuring many blueprints and photographs.
Very good condition.
Books printed in Austria, Germany and Amsterdam
Books printed in Austria, Germany and Amsterdam