Auction 31 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture

"Struggle and Defeat of Jews in Germany" – Berlin, 1937

Opening: $200
Judas Kampf und Niederlage in Deutschland. 150 Jahre Judenfrage [struggle and defeat of Jews in Germany, 150 years of the Jewish Question], by Graf E. Reventlow. Berlin: Zeitgeschichte, 1937. German. First edition. "The Struggle and Defeat of Jews in Germany", an anti-Semitic composition by Ernst Graf zu Reventlow (1869-1943), Nazi journalist and politician. Photo-plates and illustrations. 398, [1] pp + 24 plates. Good condition.
Anti-Semitism, the Holocaust and She'erit Ha-Pleita
Anti-Semitism, the Holocaust and She'erit Ha-Pleita