Online Auction 021 – Jewish and Israeli History, Art and Culture

The Statutes of the Association for Aid to Jewish Students in Poland – Warsaw, 1923

Opening: $150
Sold for: $188
Including buyer's premium
Statut Stowarzyszenia Pomocy Akademikom - Zydom w Polsce "Auxilium Academicum Judaicum" [The Statutes of the Association for Aid to Jewish Students in Poland, "Auxilium Academicum Judaicum". Warsaw: "Gloria" Press, [1923]. Polish.
A booklet specifying the statutes relating to the goal and activity of the "Auxilium Academicum Judaicum" – an association for aiding Jewish students in Poland.
The last page is stamped with the stamp of the association. Alongside it, an additional stamp – "kierowrnik biuru" [Office Manager] and a handwritten signature (dated 1923).
The "Auxilium Academicum Judaicum" (A.A.J) association was established in Warsaw in 1921, in order to aid Jewish students who studied at the Polish academy. The association built student dormitories in Warsaw, granted scholarships, organized summer camps, and more. Its activity spread speedily and in 1927 it had approx. 80 branches around Poland and Galicia.
[8] pp, 20 cm. Good condition. The leaves are detached one from the other. Tears along edges. Minor stains.
Not in OCLC.
Jewish Communities
Jewish Communities