Online Auction 026 – Jewish and Israeli History, Art and Culture

Six Literary Anthologies – Supplements to the Newspaper "HaMelitz" – St. Petersburg, 1871-1893

Opening: $300
Six literary supplements to the Hebrew newspaper "Hamelitz", containing literary works and various articles. St. Petersburg, 1871-1893.
1. HaMelitz Scientific supplement, second booklet, by Zvi Hacohen Rabinowitz. "Published monthly by the committee of the Society for the Promotion of Culture among the Jews of Russia in Petersburg". A. Zederbaum & Dr. Goldenblum Press, 1871.
2. Kohelet, articles and poems by well-known writers. Editors: Alexander Halevi Zederbaum and Dr. Aaron Yitzchak Goldenblum. A. Zederbaum & Dr. Goldenblum Press, 1881.
Featuring articles by Moshe Leib Lilienblum, Y.L. Gordon and others. Bound at the end of the last article, "The Pain of Raising Children", is a large plate (folded) – "Estimate of income and expenditure of promoting culture among the Jews of Russia for sixteen years" (1863-1878).
3. Migdanot, Mishloach Manot for the readers of "HaMelitz" for Purim … G.P. Pines and Yeshaya Zederbaum Press, 1883.
4. Supplement Issue. Ettinger Press, 1888. The first page states: "1887 was a time of drought for 'Hamelitz'… several issues were delayed and did not reach the readers; we hereby fill in the readers' gap" (Hebrew).
5. "Four articles… a gift to the subscribers of 'HaMelitz' for six months of 1893". Berman and Rabinowitz Press, 1893. Articles by Alexander Zederbaum, Avraham Eliyahu Harkavy, Joseph Shmileg and Yitzchak Rachlin.
6. "Mishloach Manot on behalf of the Living to the Dead", by Alexander Halevi Zederbaum. A. Zederbaum and Y. Goldenblum Press, 1881.
"HaMelitz" was the second Hebrew newspaper to be published in Tsarist Russia, during the years 1860-1904. Founded at the initiative of Alexander Halevi Zederbaum and edited by him, it became the central newspaper of the Jewish Enlightenment Movement in Eastern Europe, encouraging Hebrew creation, distributing the idea of national revival and later becoming the mouthpiece of the "Hibat Zion" movement. Over the years, the editorial staff of "HaMelitz" used to publish one-time supplements of literary articles and anthologies that were sent to the subscribers of the newspaper, including the present supplements.
Size and condition vary. Stains. Closed and open tears (mostly restored) to several leaves. Stamps. New bindings, without covers.
Autographs, Letters and Manuscripts
Autographs, Letters and Manuscripts