Auction 74 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art

Siddur Nehora HaShalem (Tefilla Zaka) – Corrections to the Text of the Prayers and Blessings by the Gaon of Vilna – Vilna and Grodno, 1823 – Incomplete Copy

Opening: $1,000
Seder Nehora HaShalem – Tefilla Zaka. Part I: Weekdays, Shabbat and Rosh Chodesh; Part II: High Holy Days and Festivals. Vilna and Grodno, 1823. Third edition, with many additions.
Divisional title page for Part II.
Prayer book with laws and commentaries, ethics and kabbalistic practices, and more. Including "Corrections to the Text of the Prayers and Blessings" by the Gaon of Vilna and other comments in his name.
Incomplete copy. [4], 2-144, [2], 145-172, 9; [3], 53, 51-136 leaves, and another two leaves (originally: [7], 2-144, [2], 145-172, 10, [1]; [3], 54, 51-138, [2] leaves). Lacking: title page of Part I and about 9 other leaves. 16 cm. Fair condition. Stains. Tears and extensive worming, affecting text in some places. Detached leaves. Detached, damaged binding, without spine.
One of the first siddurim in which the text of the prayers and blessings follows the corrections of the Gaon of Vilna.
Siddurim, Prayer Books and Prayer Programs
Siddurim, Prayer Books and Prayer Programs