Auction 16 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
Siddur Ha-Shlah - First Edition - Amsterdam, 1717
Opening: $5,000
Siddur Sha'ar Ha-Shamayim, with commentaries, Halachot and customs, by Rabbi Yehoshua Horovitz author of the Shnei Luchot Ha-Brit (Shlah), Tefila interpretation by the author of the Shlah, mostly esoteric (based on several books, mainly on the Ari's teachings, which he had in manuscript). With a compilation of Halachot and customs from the"Shnei Luchot Ha-Brit" gathered and published by his grandson. [Amsterdam, 1717]. First edition.
Incomplete copy which includes most of the Siddur, Daily Services year round, Shabbat, Festivals, Tikkunei Shabbat, Pirkei Avot with commentary, Passover Haggadah and more. (Doesn't include part 2 with: Parashiot; Shir Ha-Yichud; Selichot; Yotzrot liturgy; Tehilim, Seder Ma'amadot and more. Also missing: title pages, approbations and the beginning of the introduction).
Prayer in this Siddur carries the virtue of always being heard. As written by the author of the Bayit Chadash in his approval of this Siddur:"For there is no doubt that this will spread among Israel, whoever will pray in this Siddur will always be heard and his prayer never ignored". Rabbi Avraham Ya'akov, first Admor of Sadigura mentioned this Segulah in his approbation of the Siddur's third edition (Warsaw 1882):"Siddur Sha'ar Ha-Shamayim by the Shlah is just as the Bayit Chadash said - there is no doubt that whoever prays in that Siddur will never be ignored". Kabbalistic Gaon Rabbi Naftali Katz author of the"Semichat Chachamim" attributes the Segulah to the author himself, the holy Shlah, saying the following in his letter:"¦All services year round from start to finish, for Shabbat, new months and the High Holidays as arranged and composed by Rabbi Yeshayah Segal author of the 'Shnei Luchot Ha-Brit. Rabbi Naftali yearned to see this Siddur [printed and spread] he commanded his descendants to bring it to print, so many could benefit from praying in that specific order and with those intentions because following that order while strongly holding those specific intentions before Shome'a Tefila, allows all prayers to be heard. All of this is based on approbations written by great Geonim from earlier generations¦ Rabbi Yoel Sirkis author of the Bayit Chadash and the great holy and well-known Gaon Rabbi Ya'akov ABD of Lublin¦ and the great Gaon Rabbi Yom Tov Lipmann Heller author of the Tosfot Yom Tov¦ all of whom said that if those intentions were followed while praying, no prayer would ever be ignored".
(Professionally photocopied title page), leaves 21-335 only. (Incomplete copy! Originally: [5], 4-335, 139, 130, [1], 52 leaves). 26.5 cm. High quality paper, wide margins, good condition, stains, wine marks on the Passover Haggadah. Slight moth damage. Luxurious semi-leather binding.
Incomplete copy which includes most of the Siddur, Daily Services year round, Shabbat, Festivals, Tikkunei Shabbat, Pirkei Avot with commentary, Passover Haggadah and more. (Doesn't include part 2 with: Parashiot; Shir Ha-Yichud; Selichot; Yotzrot liturgy; Tehilim, Seder Ma'amadot and more. Also missing: title pages, approbations and the beginning of the introduction).
Prayer in this Siddur carries the virtue of always being heard. As written by the author of the Bayit Chadash in his approval of this Siddur:"For there is no doubt that this will spread among Israel, whoever will pray in this Siddur will always be heard and his prayer never ignored". Rabbi Avraham Ya'akov, first Admor of Sadigura mentioned this Segulah in his approbation of the Siddur's third edition (Warsaw 1882):"Siddur Sha'ar Ha-Shamayim by the Shlah is just as the Bayit Chadash said - there is no doubt that whoever prays in that Siddur will never be ignored". Kabbalistic Gaon Rabbi Naftali Katz author of the"Semichat Chachamim" attributes the Segulah to the author himself, the holy Shlah, saying the following in his letter:"¦All services year round from start to finish, for Shabbat, new months and the High Holidays as arranged and composed by Rabbi Yeshayah Segal author of the 'Shnei Luchot Ha-Brit. Rabbi Naftali yearned to see this Siddur [printed and spread] he commanded his descendants to bring it to print, so many could benefit from praying in that specific order and with those intentions because following that order while strongly holding those specific intentions before Shome'a Tefila, allows all prayers to be heard. All of this is based on approbations written by great Geonim from earlier generations¦ Rabbi Yoel Sirkis author of the Bayit Chadash and the great holy and well-known Gaon Rabbi Ya'akov ABD of Lublin¦ and the great Gaon Rabbi Yom Tov Lipmann Heller author of the Tosfot Yom Tov¦ all of whom said that if those intentions were followed while praying, no prayer would ever be ignored".
(Professionally photocopied title page), leaves 21-335 only. (Incomplete copy! Originally: [5], 4-335, 139, 130, [1], 52 leaves). 26.5 cm. High quality paper, wide margins, good condition, stains, wine marks on the Passover Haggadah. Slight moth damage. Luxurious semi-leather binding.
Siddurim and Prayer Books
Siddurim and Prayer Books