Auction 10 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Shvut Yehuda – Livorno, 1801 – Inscription

Opening: $120
Shvut Yehuda, explanations and glosses on the Mechilta, by Rabbi Yehuda Nagar. Livorno, [1801].
Glosses and explanations on the Mechilta, collected from the writings of Rabbi Avraham Avli Gombiner from Kalish, Rabbi Sliman Ochana and Rabbi Chaim Kafusi. Including interpretations and glosses by Rabbi Yehuda Nagar himself.
Upon the title page of the book [personal?] inscription of poetic nature in Eastern handwriting: “To the young emissary, Pachat [acronym] Yitzchak, from the author”.
Rabbi Yehuda Nagar, among the greatest Torah scholars in Tunis, passed away in app. 1830. Corresponded with Rabbi Chaim Yosef David Azulai. From his many compositions, the books Limudei Ha’Shem, Ohalei Yehuda, Simchat Yehuda and Alfei Yehuda were printed.
[2], 145 leaves. 35cm. Book in good condition, few stains. Binding worn and detached