Auction 14 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Shulchan Aruch – Zhitomir – Five Volumes

Opening: $320
1. Maginei Eretz, Orach Chaim. Zhitomir, 1855, printed by the grandsons of Rebbe Moshe Shapira. 1-329, [3] pages; 118 pages (Machatzit HaShekel). Original leather cover.
2-3. Torat Cohanim, Shulchan Aruch Choshen Mishpat. Zhitomir, 1856 printed by the grandsons of Rebbe Moshe Shapira. Parts 1-2. At end of Part 1, appendix of 25 pages of index of Pri Megadim; Part 2, 528 pages - Noted in the Bibliography Institute CD that they did not see this part.
4-5. Eshlei Ravrevei [Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah]. Zhitomir, 1866, printed by Rabbi Aryeh Leib Shapira grandson of the Rebbe of Slavita. Parts 1-2. Noted in Bibliography Institute CD that they did not see Part 2.
Varied size and condition. Stamps.
Books printed in Slavita and Zhitomir, Russia and Poland
Books printed in Slavita and Zhitomir, Russia and Poland