Auction 96 Early Printed Books, Chassidut and Kabbalah, Books Printed in Jerusalem, Letters and Manuscripts

Shir Tehilah – Poem in Honor of Sir Moses Montefiore – Jerusalem, 1875

Opening: $300
Sold for: $813
Including buyer's premium

Shir Tehilah, poem in honor of Sir Moses Montefiore. Jerusalem: [Nisan Bak], 1875.
Twenty-stanza poem with the acrostic "May Moses Montefiore live, Amen", printed in honor Montefiore's visit to Jerusalem. Montefiore arrived in Jerusalem on 22nd Tamuz, 1875, and the poem was recited in his honor on 25th Tamuz. The booklet was printed by the heads of the Chassidic kollels of Volhynia, Romania, Austria and Galicia, and two original stamps of theirs appear on leaf [7]. The poem was composed and edited by Yisrael Dov Frumkin, publisher of HaChavatzelet (his name appears in English on the verso of the title page).
Leather strip with gilt inscription of a brief description of the event in Hebrew on front binding, and corresponding inscription in English on leather strip on front binding.
Some words on title page printed in gilt ink.
On leaf [8] is a prayer recited in the Tiferet Yisrael and Tzion HaMetzuyenet synagogues when news of Montefiore's trip spread.

[8] leaves. 17.5 cm. Good condition. Some stains. Marginal tears to several leaves. Old binding, damaged.

Ex libris labels of Moses Montefiore, with coat of arms, on both sides of endpaper (one damaged).

Sh. Halevy, no. 261.

Early Hebrew Books and Broadsides Printed in Jerusalem
Early Hebrew Books and Broadsides Printed in Jerusalem