Auction 44 - Judaica: Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

"Shelichut Mitzvah" Notebook - Old-Age Home - Safed and European Countries, 1909-1928 - Signatures and Recommendations of Rabbis and Rebbes

Opening: $5,000
Manuscript, Shelichut Mitzvah – For the Chesed Home for senior citizens… in Safed". Notebook of emissary Rabbi Masud ben Shimon, on his travels to European countries [Romania, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Italy, Belgium and England], from 1909-1928, with rabbis' and rebbes' signatures and recommendations, etc.
More than 150 written and signed leaves. Hebrew, Yiddish, English, German and French.
Illustrated title page. On verso of title page is a short recommendation, handwritten and signed by Rabbi Ya'akov David Ridvaz – Rabbi of Safed in those days. On the following leaves are the institute's regulations and recommendations, signed by the rabbis and sages of Safed, with signatures and stamps of the heads of Safed institutes and kollelim [among the signatures: Rabbi Refael Zilberman, Rabbi Yitzchak Rabin, Rabbi Chaim Sithon, Rabbi Yeshua Vaish, etc].
On Leaves 25-27, recommendations by the British Deputy Consul in Safed, the Persian Deputy Consul of Safed-Syria, and the French Consul in Safed-Tiberias.
From Leaf 28 and onward are recommendations of rabbis from many European countries arranged by the order of the emissary’s travels. Among the writers and signatures: Rabbi Yisrael Margaliot Av Beit din of Brăila (Romania), Rebbe Yisrael Hager of Radevits [at the time he was in Bucharest], Rabbi Chaim Shmuel Schorr, Av Beit Din of Bucharest, Rabbi Feish Rosenthal Av Beit Din of Breslau, Rebbe Ya’akov Aryeh Twersky of Turiysk -London, Rabbi Shmuel Yitzchak Hillman [Ra’avad of London], Rabbi Moshe Avigdor Chaikin of London, Rabbi Mordechai Rotenberg Av Beit Din of Antwerp [author of Yad Mordechai], Rabbi Shalom Yitzchak HaCohen Sternberg [Rabbi in Antwerp], Rabbi Moshe Avigdor Amiel [Rabbi in Antwerp], etc. Recommendations of rabbinate offices, synagogues and other institutes of various communities: London, Prague, Brünn, Năsăud, Berlin, Munich, Vienna, Padova, Venice, Mantova, Verona, Milano, Torino, Livorno, Firenze, etc.
Hundrends of inscriptions of donations, with donors’ signatures and stamps - an important source of data with names and details of dozens of Jewish families of communities in Germany, Czechoslovakia, England, Italy, and other places.
178 leaves, 170 written leaves. 26 cm. Good condition, stains. Restored tears to several leaves. Contemporary leather binding, with embossed adornments and inscriptions. Minor damages to binding.
Notebooks and Archives – Jewish Communities, Batei Din, Emissaries
Notebooks and Archives – Jewish Communities, Batei Din, Emissaries