Online Auction 026 – Jewish and Israeli History, Art and Culture

"Shana Tova" Greeting Card – Nili Group – The Agricultural School at the Pleikershof Manor, Previously Owned by Julius Streicher – Germany, 1946

Opening: $100
Sold for: $213
Including buyer's premium
"May you have a happy new year, free immigration and a Hebrew state" (Hebrew). Nili Group, Pleikershof, [September 1946].
A lithographic "Shana Tova" greeting card, on the official stationery of the Nili Group – "Jewish Farm Kwucat Nili, Landwirtschaftliche Schule, Pleikershof", with the group's stamp.
Avinoam Patt, in his article "To Build and be Rebuilt: Jewish Youth and Zionism in Postwar Europ", writes about the activity of the Nili Group at the farm for agricultural training in Pleikershof, previously the residence of Julius Streicher, one of the leaders of the Nazi regime: "Some five months after the liberation in Germany, a group of young holocaust survivors, barely removed from years of persecution and torture at the hands of the Nazi regime, moved to the estate of the virulently anti-Semitic Nazi propagandist Julius Streicher. As Streicher awaited trial in nearby Nuremberg, this group of young Zionists set about transforming his estate into a pioneering training farm or hakhsharah, in preparation for what they hoped would be their future lives in Palestine.
In the December 21, 1945 issue of the Landsberg DP camp newspaper, Baruch Cheta, the leader of this group, summarized the accomplishments of Kibbutz Nili: 'not long ago, Pleikhershof was the estate and seat of one of Hitler's most high-ranking associates, the editor of the notorious der Sturmer, Julius Streicher. In the office, where for many years the great Jew-hater sat and wrote his vicious diatribes against the Jews, calling for their blood [ ... ] where Streicher wrote to the German people, 'di jidn zajnen Unzer umglik' (the Jews are our misfortune ) is today the home of the secretariat of an agricultural pioneering school for Jewish boys and girls that have come from all corners of Europe to learn agriculture, to cultivate the land, raise cattle, etc., those things most crucial to build the Land of Israel. This is one of the greatest Jewish Satisfactions, to be able to see Hebrew writings and slogans, such as 'am Jsroel chaj,' [the Jewish people lives] 'Necach Jsroel loj jeszaker' [the Eternal of Israel will not lie] hanging on the walls in Streicher's mansion; we have named our new kibbutz the first agricultural school in Bavaria.
[…] The satisfaction the young survivors drew from revenge they exacted on Streicher's estate was unmistakable. However, the powerful political value of young Zionists working to build their futures in Palestine had profound Implications that went far beyond the gratification the members of kibbutz Nili experienced." (in Religion Nationalism: The Struggle for Moden Jewish Identity. Ed. Yossi Goldstein. Pp 139E-151E).
See Kedem catalog 34, lot 562 – Passover Haggadah printed in Pleikershof in 1946.
18.5X20 cm. Good condition. Filing holes. Fold lines. Some stains.
The Dreyfus Affair, Antisemitism, Holocaust and Sheerit HaPletah
The Dreyfus Affair, Antisemitism, Holocaust and Sheerit HaPletah