Auction 6 - Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters

viewing at noon

Sha'arei Dura – Venice, 1563

Opening: $600
Sha'arei Dura, known as Issur VeHetter, laws of ritual salting, kashrut of animals, laws of nidda, and more. By Rabbi Yitzchak of Dura. Venice, [1563], Vittorio Eliano printing. Second edition.
This second edition adds commentary, questions and answers, and comparisons to other books, as well as introduction by Rabbi Menachem ben R' Ya'akov HaCohen Raf"a. of Porto.
Top of title-page has a very antique owner's signature, in Italian handwriting. Book contains short Hebrew and Latin glosses; last page contains inscription in Latin.
64 leaves, 20 cm. Good condition. Moth damage, stained by rust and water, slightly worn cover.
Early printed books – Resh and Shin Years
Early printed books – Resh and Shin Years