Auction 100 – Important Hebrew Manuscripts and Books from the Victor (Avigdor) Klagsbald Collection
Sefer Yetzirah – Mantua, 1562 – First Edition – With Rare Leaf – Glosses
Opening: $5,000
Estimate: $8,000 - $12,000
Sold for: $12,500
Including buyer's premium
Sefer Yetzirah, attributed to Abraham, with four commentaries: R. Saadiah Gaon, R. Eliezer of Worms, the Ramban and the Raavad. Mantua: Yaakov Kohen of Gazzuolo, 1562. First edition. Kabbalistic diagrams and charts.
Sefer Yetzirah includes several diagrams designed for the addition of moveable parts (volvelles), for calculating Holy Name combinations. The moveable parts were printed on a separate plate, for the reader to cut out and assemble (onto pp. 8b, 10b, 33a and 77a). This leaf is partially lacking, and it does not appear in most copies of the book.
Signature on title page: "Wolf ---" (the remainder is cut off by a tear to the leaf).
Several kabbalistic glosses (somewhat trimmed) in Ashkenazic script (some from the period of the book's printing), by several writers.
104, [1] leaves, [1] blank leaf; [1] plate with diagrams (partially lacking). 19.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains, including dampstains. Tears, including open tear to upper margin of title page and tear across the width of one leaf, repaired with tape (over the text). New binding.
CB, no. 3562; Zedner, p. 13.
Kabbalistic Books
Kabbalistic Books