Auction 12 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Sefer HaMatzref – Parts One and Two – Including Photograph of Author – Signatures – Vienna

Opening: $200
Sold for: $250
Including buyer's premium
Sefer HaMatzref, comments and enquiries in question and answer format, on Mikrah [Bible], Halachah, Aggadah, religion and wisdom, on rules of the Hebrew language and the Aramaic language. By Rabbi Moshe Konitz of Ofen. Part 1: Vienna, (1820). Part 2: Prague, 1857. With author's portrait.
In first volume handwritten signature of the author Rabbi “Shlomo Konitz and stamp of "Dr. Ad. Jellinek, Prediger In Wien" [Dr. Adolph Aharon Yelinek, 1821-1893].
The author, Rabbi Moshe Konitz (1834-1839). Rabbi in Ofen and Budapest, disciple of the Noda BiYehuda and Maharam Mintz. He was a controversial figure, being both a Rabbi great in Torah knowledge as well as an Enlightenist proficient in secular studies.
Part 1: [2], 93, [1] page. 24 cm. Very good condition. Original leather binding, repaired.
Part 2: Portrait, 94, [2] pages. 24 cm. Good condition, few stains and detached leaves. Original binding, somewhat worn.
From Dr. Israel Mehlman’s private collection.
Books printed in Austria
Books printed in Austria