Auction 30 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Sefer Arugat HaBosem – Venice, 1602-1603 – Signatures

Opening: $500
Sold for: $750
Including buyer's premium
Sefer Arugat HaBosem, on wisdom of grammar and the Holy Language, by Rabbi Shmuel Arkevolti. Venice, [1602]. First edition.
Fine renaissance-style title page. Many tables for instruction of grammar. Leaf 113 contains diagram “recurring cycle”.
Ownership notations and signatures in Italian and Oriental writing: “This is the product of the worshiper of the Almighty…”, “…philanthropist Raphael Aharon HaLevi”, “last redeemer Shlomo Chazan” [possibly Rabbi Shlomo Chazan, an Egyptian scholar, author of HaMa’a lot LeShlomo]. Additional rabbinic signature of Rabbi Shlomo Chazan on leaf following title page. Glosses in fine Italian writing.
119 [instead of: 118], [2] leaves. 19 cm. Good-fair condition. Tears, dark mildew stains, moth stains. New binding.
Early Printed Books – Resh and Shin Years'
Early Printed Books – Resh and Shin Years'