Auction 49b Part II - Bibles and Prayer Books, Manuscripts, Graphics and Ceremonial Art
Samples of Scribal (Stam) Writing on Parchment – Holland / Amulets
Opening: $500
Collection of handwritten leaves, on parchment and paper. · Collection of pieces of parchment with samples of scribal writing. These samples were made by scribes to promote their work. The scribes would send the samples to communities that wanted their services or needed a Torah Scroll or Megillot. Some have signatures: “Shlomo Frank, shatz, shochet u’bodek, mohel, preacher and scribe of Oud-Beijerland (Holland)”, “Yitzchak Sofer scribe of Rotterdam (Holland); “Pictures of letters to show to special individuals who live in the village of Gorredijk who want to fulfill the mitzvah of writing a Sefer Torah…Amsterdam…1878”; “…my manuscript Ya’akov son of Mordechai HaCohen scribe in Groningen and Leeuwarden (Holland)”. · Two parchment amulets: an amulet for protection and success of a store; amulet for protection and salvation from ayin hara and illness. · Two more parchment amulet fragments. · Thick leaf, with a handwritten prayer: “Yehi Ratzon…that you should ease the distress of confinement of my daughter…”. · Handwritten leaf, prayer for a Brit Milah. 19 items. Varied size and condition.
Broadsides, Mizrah, Shiviti and Amulets
Broadsides, Mizrah, Shiviti and Amulets