Auction 100 – Important Hebrew Manuscripts and Books from the Victor (Avigdor) Klagsbald Collection
Responsa of the Ralbach – Venice, 1565 – First Edition – With Chapter on the Semichah Controversy – Signature of Rabbi Mazal Tov Modena
Opening: $800
Estimate: $1,000 - $1,200
Sold for: $1,625
Including buyer's premium
Responsa of the Ralbach – R. Levi ibn Habib. Venice: printer not indicated, 1565. First edition.
On leaves 277-328 is printed a lengthy chapter on the famous controversy on Semichah ordination: "A polemic between the sages of Safed [headed by R. Yaakov Beirav] and the sages of Jerusalem [headed by the author] regarding Semichah".
Signature on title page (taped over) in Italian script: "Mazal Tov Modona" – apparently, the signature of R. Mazal Tov Modena, disciple of R. Yishmael HaKohen of Modena, author of Zera Emet. A leading Italian Torah scholar in his generation (ca. 1770s-1830s). In 1806 he was called to join Napoleon's Sanhedrin, and after his teacher's passing (in 1811) he succeeded him as Rabbi of Modena.
Inscription in Ashkenazic script: "Yitzchak son of Michael Lange".
On last leaf, signature of censor Giovanni Domenico Carretto, dated 1619.
Censorship expurgations to several leaves.
[6], 209, [1], 217-328 leaves. [2] leaves of errata bound at the beginning of the book. 29.5 cm. Good condition. Stains, including dampstains. Marginal open tear to title page, repaired with paper. Worming, slightly affecting text, partially repaired with paper. Paper repairs across margins of leaves in several places. New binding.
There are several known variants of this edition, in some of which the anonymous proofreader's notes are abbreviated or omitted. Changes were made during the course of printing, and some leaves were reprinted. See: Y. Rivkind, Dikdukei Sefarim, Kiryat Sefer, X, 1933-1934, pp. 492-493, no. 8; Y. Rivkind, Alexander Marx Jubilee Volume, New York 1950, pp. 419-420, no. 23; Y. Yudlov, Ginzei Yisrael, Jerusalem 1985, pp. 119-120, no. 715.
CB, no. 6136,2; Zedner, p. 432; Roest, p. 672.
Early Printed Books – Italy
Early Printed Books – Italy