Auction 16 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Rashba Responsa - Important Signatures and Stamps (Rabbi Michel Scheuer - The Malbim - Rabbi Chaim Berlin and Others)

Opening: $200
Responsa by Rabbi Shlomo Ben Aderet [Rashba], Section 3. Livorno, 1778. First edition.
Title page contains signature (crossed out):"Michel son of Rabbi Tebele Scheuer¦" - The Ga'on Rabbi Michel son of the Ga'on Rabbi Tebele Scheuer, served as Rosh Yeshiva in Mainz while his father, Rabbi Tebele, served there in the rabbinate. In this yeshiva the young man Moshe Sofer of Frankfurt [who was eventually known as the author of the Chatam Sofer], studied for approximately two years. In his eulogy (Sermons of the Chatam Sofer, 77, 3) he describes the Rosh Yeshiva as his mentor and rabbi:"The genius¦ famous for his astuteness¦ exalted in wisdom¦ whom I have studied from in the Yeshiva in the years 1776 and 1777 while he was Rosh Yeshiva in Metz". Between 1778-1782 served as Av Beit Din of Worms, and from 1782 served as Av Beit Din and Rosh Yeshiva of Mannheim until his demise in 1810. Genius and Kabbalist, was considered one of the greatest Rosh Yeshivot in Ashkenaz and among the greatest of his generation.
Leaf following title page contains stamp of the Malbim:"Meir Leibush Malbim Av Beit Din of Bucharest".
Signatures and stamps of Rabbi"Yakir son of Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Lifshitz" [Rabbi Yakir Lifshitz son of Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Lifshitz Av Beit Din of Warsaw author of Chemdat Shlomo; son-in-law of the philanthropist Rabbi Feivel Opitzinski of Luntshitz. After the death of Rabbi Yakir at a young age (see attached material), the Malbim married his widow (that is how this book reached the Malbim).
Signatures and additional ownership notations."Mordechai Mottel¦". Stamps upon leaves of book by the Ga'on Rabbi Chaim Berlin [and correction of word in his handwriting]. Ownership notation at end of book:"¦ 15th of Menachem [Av], 1810, Shidlavitz, Shmuel Shmelka".
[2], 94 leaves. 29 cm. Good-fair condition. Stains, moth damage. Title page and last leaf incomplete and restored. New binding.
Books From The Library of Rabbi Chaim Berlin
Books From The Library of Rabbi Chaim Berlin