Auction 33 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Rambam – Complete Set – Venice, 1574-1575 – First Edition with Kesef Mishneh

Opening: $2,500
Mishneh Torah by the Rambam, with critique of the Rabad [Rabbi Avraham ben David] and Magid Mishneh, as well as commentary Kesef Mishneh by Rabbi Yosef Karo. Complete four-volume set. Venice, [1574-1575]. Bragadin Printing Press. First edition of Kesef Mishneh whose author, Rabbi Yosef Karo, passed away during course of printing. This edition contains most extensively proofread version of the Rambam based upon copies of Yeshivot of Safed and Egypt.
Stamps and signed ownership notations by members and rabbis of Vilehn community (neighboring Posen) from 18th century.
Section 1 (Mada-Zemanim): [22], 316 leaves. Section 2 (Nashim-Kedusha): [10], 217, [1] leaves. Section 3 (Hafla’ah-Tahara): [20], 451, [1] leaves. Section 4 (Nezikin-Shoftim): [10], 297, [9] leaves. 4 volumes. Approx. 29-30 cm. General condition very good, damage and old scotch tape restorations on title pages and last leaves. New cloth bindings.
Early Printed Books - Resh and Shin Years
Early Printed Books - Resh and Shin Years