Auction 33 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
Rabbis of the Halberstam Family – Collection of Letters
Opening: $500
* Letter from Rabbi Israel Halberstam (typed on typewriter, a number of lines in his handwriting, his signature and stamp) to Rabbi Samuel Shadrovitsky [Chairman of Agudat Israel in Tel Aviv] on financial assistance for his family. Jerusalem, [no date].
* Official postcard of the Admor Rabbi Jacob Halberstam from Tschakava and on it letters from his wife the Rabbanit Eidel Dina, his daughter Faiga and her husband Joshua Malovitsky. Sent to Rabbi Samuel Shadorivsky with New Year greetings, Jerusalem 1943.
* Official postcard of the Admor Rabbi Jacob Halberstam from Tschakava and on it letters from his wife the Rabbanit Eidel Dina, his daughter Faiga, who writes on behalf of her mother about the receipt of money from “My honored uncle Rabbi Berele Shlita, Jerusalem 194-.
* Handwritten letter by Rabbi Moshe Halberstam with his signature, to Rabbi Samuel Shadrovitsky. Subject betrothal of his cousin Rabbi Issachar Ber Rottenberg Av Bet Din Vadislav. Jerusalem 1960.
* Letter [from Rabbi Samuel Shadrovitsky?] to Rabbi Israel Halberstam. [No date]. Request to send “all the newspapers put out by the Jewish Agency with the lists of people who remained in Poland and in camps in Germany”.
The Gaonim Admorim Rabbi Jacob Halberstam from Tschakava (1902-1968) and Rabbi Israel Halberstam from Zimagrad (1911-1981), were the sons of Rabbi Sinai Halberstam Admor from Kalishitz and Zimagrad and great grandson of the author of “Divrei Chaim". The wife of Rabbi Jacob is the Rabbanit Eidel Dina (daughter of the Admor Rabbi Shalom Moshkovitch from Schatz), and his sons are the famous gaonim Rabbi Moshe Halberstam (1932-2002) Rabbi and Av Bet Din of the Haredi Community in Jerusalem, Rabbi Naftali Halberstam (born 1928) Admor of Tschakava-Jerusalem and chairman of the Vaad Kashrut of the “Haredi Community”, and Rabbi Meir Halberstam (1927-2012) the Admor from Tschakava-Bnei Brak.
Five letters, various sizes and conditions.
* Official postcard of the Admor Rabbi Jacob Halberstam from Tschakava and on it letters from his wife the Rabbanit Eidel Dina, his daughter Faiga and her husband Joshua Malovitsky. Sent to Rabbi Samuel Shadorivsky with New Year greetings, Jerusalem 1943.
* Official postcard of the Admor Rabbi Jacob Halberstam from Tschakava and on it letters from his wife the Rabbanit Eidel Dina, his daughter Faiga, who writes on behalf of her mother about the receipt of money from “My honored uncle Rabbi Berele Shlita, Jerusalem 194-.
* Handwritten letter by Rabbi Moshe Halberstam with his signature, to Rabbi Samuel Shadrovitsky. Subject betrothal of his cousin Rabbi Issachar Ber Rottenberg Av Bet Din Vadislav. Jerusalem 1960.
* Letter [from Rabbi Samuel Shadrovitsky?] to Rabbi Israel Halberstam. [No date]. Request to send “all the newspapers put out by the Jewish Agency with the lists of people who remained in Poland and in camps in Germany”.
The Gaonim Admorim Rabbi Jacob Halberstam from Tschakava (1902-1968) and Rabbi Israel Halberstam from Zimagrad (1911-1981), were the sons of Rabbi Sinai Halberstam Admor from Kalishitz and Zimagrad and great grandson of the author of “Divrei Chaim". The wife of Rabbi Jacob is the Rabbanit Eidel Dina (daughter of the Admor Rabbi Shalom Moshkovitch from Schatz), and his sons are the famous gaonim Rabbi Moshe Halberstam (1932-2002) Rabbi and Av Bet Din of the Haredi Community in Jerusalem, Rabbi Naftali Halberstam (born 1928) Admor of Tschakava-Jerusalem and chairman of the Vaad Kashrut of the “Haredi Community”, and Rabbi Meir Halberstam (1927-2012) the Admor from Tschakava-Bnei Brak.
Five letters, various sizes and conditions.
The Sanz Hasidic Dynasty
The Sanz Hasidic Dynasty