Auction 95 Early Printed Books, Chassidut and Kabbalah, Letters and Manuscripts, Engravings and Jewish Ceremonial Objects
Pri Tzaddik (R. Zadok of Lublin) – Lublin, 1901 – Copy of the "Rebbe of Eretz Israel", Rebbe Alter Biederman of Lelov-Sosnowitz
Pri Tzaddik, commentary on the Torah and festivals, by rabbi Zadok of Lublin. Part I, on Bereshit, with Kuntres Kedushat Shabbat and Shevitat Shabbat. Lublin: Moshe Schneidmesser and Nechamah Herschenhorn press, and Menachem Mendel Schneidmesser press, 1901. First edition.
Copy of Rebbe Alter Biederman of Lelov and Sosnowitz, with his stamps on the title page and additional leaves (signature-stamps).
Rebbe Avraham Betzalel Natan Nata Biederman (1862-1933; known as Rebbe Alter) was born in Eretz Israel to Rebbe Elazar Mendel of Lelov. He later served as rebbe in Sosnowitz (Sosnowiec, Poland), where he was known as "the rebbe from Eretz Israel" and earned the reputation of a wonder-worker.
[4], 96, 240, [1] pages. Does not contain [9] pages at the end with names of pre-subscribers. 26.5 cm. Slightly dry paper. Good condition. Stains. Commercial stamp on title page. Old binding, damaged.
PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.