Auction 21 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
"Pluvium" - Anti-Semitic Russian Weekly Journal - 52 issues - St. Petersburg, 1906-1907
Opening: $10,000
׀׀›׀®׀’׀†׀£׀׀× [Pluvium], ׀·׀°׀÷׀¾׀½׀½׀¾׀µ ׀´׀¸ׁ‚ׁ ׀’׀¸ׁ‚ׁ‚׀¾׀²׀¾׀¹ ׀¿׀»ׁׁ׀÷׀¸.
St. Petersburg, October 1906 - September 1907. Russian.
Issues 1-52 (consecutive). A political Russian weekly journal, right-wing and anti-revolutionary. The publication of the journal started when the publication of the paper "׀’׀¸ׁ‚ׁ‚׀¾׀²׀° ׀¿׀»ׁׁ׀÷׀°" (Vitovaya Pliaska) stopped. Pluvium continued the journalistic spirit of Vitovaya Pliaska as its "legitimate child". The editor of Pluvioum, used the pseudonym "B.M." ׀‘ׁ€׀µ׀²׀µׁ€׀½ - Brevern [maybe, the Russian writer Mikhail Nikolayovitch Volkonsky (1860-1917) - ׀’׀¾׀»׀÷׀¾ּ׀½ׁ׀÷׀¸׀¹]. The editor dedicated a considerable part of the journal to anti-Jewish articles accompanied by numerous anti-Semitic illustrations, some of them large - spread on a whole pages. Very rare. In each issue [4] pp (issue 48 consists of six pages), 47 cm. Fair-good condition. Paper is acid and fragile. Numerous tears at borders of most leaves, treated with papers and various kinds of adhesive tapes. New leather binding with a leather spine.
St. Petersburg, October 1906 - September 1907. Russian.
Issues 1-52 (consecutive). A political Russian weekly journal, right-wing and anti-revolutionary. The publication of the journal started when the publication of the paper "׀’׀¸ׁ‚ׁ‚׀¾׀²׀° ׀¿׀»ׁׁ׀÷׀°" (Vitovaya Pliaska) stopped. Pluvium continued the journalistic spirit of Vitovaya Pliaska as its "legitimate child". The editor of Pluvioum, used the pseudonym "B.M." ׀‘ׁ€׀µ׀²׀µׁ€׀½ - Brevern [maybe, the Russian writer Mikhail Nikolayovitch Volkonsky (1860-1917) - ׀’׀¾׀»׀÷׀¾ּ׀½ׁ׀÷׀¸׀¹]. The editor dedicated a considerable part of the journal to anti-Jewish articles accompanied by numerous anti-Semitic illustrations, some of them large - spread on a whole pages. Very rare. In each issue [4] pp (issue 48 consists of six pages), 47 cm. Fair-good condition. Paper is acid and fragile. Numerous tears at borders of most leaves, treated with papers and various kinds of adhesive tapes. New leather binding with a leather spine.