Pierre Victor Lottin de Laval – "A Voyage to The Arabian Peninsula, Sinai and Middle Egypt" – Atlas Volume – Paris, 1859

Opening: $600
Voyage dans la péninsule arabique du Sinaï et l'Égypte moyenne. Histoire, géographie, épigraphie [A Voyage to The Arabian Peninsula, Sinai and Middle Egypt. History, Geography, Epigraphy], by Lottin de Laval. Atlas volume. Paris: Gide et Cie, 1859 [additional title page with the date 1855-1859]. French. First edition.
 The atlas volume of the work "A Voyage to The Arabian Peninsula, Sinai and Middle Egypt". Includes a large map of the Sinai Peninsula (double spread); 15 lithographic plates depicting views, sites and locals (by French artists Léon Sabatier and Eugène Cicéri, after de Laval); 17 photolithographic plates depicting archeological findings; and 80 prints of Nabatean inscriptions (on 40 plates, some with smaller illustrations).
 Pierre Victor Lottin de Laval (1810-1903) was a French archeologist, writer and painter. Between 1843 and 1851, he participated in three French scientific expeditions to the Near East, creating dozens of drawings, sketches and reports. This atlas documents his third expedition in 1850-1851 in which he attempted to reconstruct the route of the Israelites in the desert. In order to copy the inscriptions and drawing he had discovered, de Laval developed a new technique for creating molds, which is named after him and used to this day – Lottinoplastie (pictures of some of the molds de Laval made during his expedition were printed in this atlas).
 This volume was printed to accompany a text volume reviewing the archeological study of the Arabian Peninsula, the Sinai Desert and Middle Egypt.
 [3] ff + [72] plates and [1] map (double-spread), 48.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Foxing throughout the volume. Small wormholes to margins (slightly affecting several prints. The book was fumigated). Quarter-leather with marbled paper sides, damaged and slightly worn.
Early Manuscripts, Bibles, Maps, Travelogues, Prints
Early Manuscripts, Bibles, Maps, Travelogues, Prints