Online Auction 019 – Jewish and Israeli History, Art and Culture
A Photograph of a Report on the Use of Carrier Pigeons during the War of Independence / A Photograph of the "Monument for the Anonymous Pigeon"
Opening: $200
A Photograph of a report on the use of carrier pigeons during the War of Independence and a photograph of the "Monument for the Anonymous Pigeon", bound together. [The 1950s?].
1. A photograph of "The report of the deputy of the officer responsible for securing the road to Jerusalem Bab al-Wad", to the commander of the Jerusalem-Bab al-Wad (Sha'ar HaGai) road, from 23.12.1947.
The report describes information that was received by means of two carrier pigeons about an attack in the area of Sha'ar hagai: "At 10:45 I received an announcement in Kiryat Anavim that two carrier pigeons had arrived from the field. The first pigeon had a note in which it was written that the force was attacked from different directions, there is one wounded and need for reinforcement… The note contains additional details we could not decipher since the writers did not have pencils and used matches instead… In the second note that was sent at 10:30 it was written that the force is located in the final post above Bab al-Wad…".
The event described in the report is an attack of Arab snipers on a convoy that was on its way from Jerusalem to Tel-Aviv on 23.12.1947. One of the witnesses to the attack was the British High Commissioner Sir Alan Cunningham, who was driving on the same road, behind the convoy. During the shooting, the High Commissioner commanded his escort guards to fire back at the snipers (see enclosed material).
2. A Photograph of the "Monument for the Anonymous Pigeon" which was placed in Bahad 7, the IDF Training Camp of the Command & Control, Communications, Computers and Information Corps, during the early 1950s.
The two photographs are bound together in a hard binding (mounted on the inner sides of the binding, with tissue guards between them).
The Haganah Organization and later, the IDF, had active units of carrier pigeons.
The person who formulated the idea of using carrier pigeons to serve the Haganah was Avraham Etz-Hadar, who established the "Pigeon Communications Department" in 1939. The first dovecot was built in Jerusalem and later, additional ones were built in Tel-Aviv, Kefar Menachem, Yagur, Givat Brener and other settlements. The pigeons were used for communicating news between settlements and for various other activities of the Haganah. With the establishment of the IDF, a pigeoneer unit of the Communications Corps was established, which was active until the mid-1950s.
Photographs: approx. 24x18 cm. Binding: 26 cm. Good condition. Stains on the tissue guards and on the binding.
1. A photograph of "The report of the deputy of the officer responsible for securing the road to Jerusalem Bab al-Wad", to the commander of the Jerusalem-Bab al-Wad (Sha'ar HaGai) road, from 23.12.1947.
The report describes information that was received by means of two carrier pigeons about an attack in the area of Sha'ar hagai: "At 10:45 I received an announcement in Kiryat Anavim that two carrier pigeons had arrived from the field. The first pigeon had a note in which it was written that the force was attacked from different directions, there is one wounded and need for reinforcement… The note contains additional details we could not decipher since the writers did not have pencils and used matches instead… In the second note that was sent at 10:30 it was written that the force is located in the final post above Bab al-Wad…".
The event described in the report is an attack of Arab snipers on a convoy that was on its way from Jerusalem to Tel-Aviv on 23.12.1947. One of the witnesses to the attack was the British High Commissioner Sir Alan Cunningham, who was driving on the same road, behind the convoy. During the shooting, the High Commissioner commanded his escort guards to fire back at the snipers (see enclosed material).
2. A Photograph of the "Monument for the Anonymous Pigeon" which was placed in Bahad 7, the IDF Training Camp of the Command & Control, Communications, Computers and Information Corps, during the early 1950s.
The two photographs are bound together in a hard binding (mounted on the inner sides of the binding, with tissue guards between them).
The Haganah Organization and later, the IDF, had active units of carrier pigeons.
The person who formulated the idea of using carrier pigeons to serve the Haganah was Avraham Etz-Hadar, who established the "Pigeon Communications Department" in 1939. The first dovecot was built in Jerusalem and later, additional ones were built in Tel-Aviv, Kefar Menachem, Yagur, Givat Brener and other settlements. The pigeons were used for communicating news between settlements and for various other activities of the Haganah. With the establishment of the IDF, a pigeoneer unit of the Communications Corps was established, which was active until the mid-1950s.
Photographs: approx. 24x18 cm. Binding: 26 cm. Good condition. Stains on the tissue guards and on the binding.
Palestine, Settlement, British Mandate and Underground Movements, the State of Israel
Palestine, Settlement, British Mandate and Underground Movements, the State of Israel