Auction 31 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
Passavor Haggadah and a Scroll of Esther for She'erit HaPleita in Germany and Switzerland
Opening: $200
*Passover Haggadah. Published by Sh'erit HaPlaita Camp Fernwald, [ca.1946]. Illustrated cardboard cover. (Yaari 2636;Otzar 4018). Fair-poor condition. *Passover Haggadah, with Derech Haim and Nehora Shalem commentary by…R' Ya'akov [Lorverboim] of Lissa. Gift from Va'ad HaHatzala to She'erit HaPlaeita. Printed by the publishing committee of Va'ad HaHatzala, R' Naftali Baruch, R' Aviezer Burstein. Munich, 1948. (Yaari 2361; Otzar 4092). Fair-good condition. Cover somewhat torn and detached. *Scroll of Esther/ Das Buch Esther. Mit Vorwort, Illustrationen und deutsch-franzoesischen Anmerkungen. Published by Kommission für jüdische kulturelle und soziale Arbeit in der Schweiz,, Basel, 1945. Hebrew, German and French. Introduction in German, scroll in Hebrew. Good condition.
Anti-Semitism, the Holocaust and She'erit Ha-Pleita
Anti-Semitism, the Holocaust and She'erit Ha-Pleita