Online Auction 021 – Jewish and Israeli History, Art and Culture
Two Calendars, a Color Print and a Fundraising Notice – Printed Towards Rosh Hashana, with the Inscription "LeShana Tovah" – Palestine and Germany, Second Half of the 20th Century
Opening: $200
Two calendars, a color print and a fundraising notice that were printed towards Rosh Hashana. Palestine and Germany, [ca. 1920s-1930s].
1-2. "May you be written and sealed for a good year, 5683" (Hebrew). Two calendars (broadsides). Jerusalem: Solomon press, [1922]. Hebrew, English and Yiddish.
One of the calendars was issued by Rabbi Meir Baal Haness Charities and the second by Free Schools T. T. Jeshibath Etz Haim and Bicur Cholim Hospital. Alongside a Hebrew calendar for 1922-1923, both feature a map of Palestine (with Transjordan).
3. Verein "Freunde der Taubstummen-Jedide Ilmim" (Schule und Internat Berlin-Weissensee), a notice printed towards Rosh Hashana with a request to support the Jewish school for the mute of "Freunde der Taubstummen-Jedide Ilmim". [Berlin], 1928. German.
On the bottom is a stub for sending membership fees and donations by mail. On top is an illustration by one of the school's students.
"Jedide Ilmim" was established in 1884 by the Jewish educator Markus Reich and in 1891, established an institution for the deaf and mute in Berlin. After the rise of the Nazis to power, the activity of "Jedide Ilmim" bwas forbidden and in 1942, the institution was shut down and its students were transported to extermination camps.
* "May you be written and sealed for a good year" (Hebrew), a color lithograph, with illustrations depicting the story of the Binding of Isaac, surrounded by biblical verses dealing with it. With illustrations of the Temple Mount and the Tower of David.
Size and condition vary.
1-2. "May you be written and sealed for a good year, 5683" (Hebrew). Two calendars (broadsides). Jerusalem: Solomon press, [1922]. Hebrew, English and Yiddish.
One of the calendars was issued by Rabbi Meir Baal Haness Charities and the second by Free Schools T. T. Jeshibath Etz Haim and Bicur Cholim Hospital. Alongside a Hebrew calendar for 1922-1923, both feature a map of Palestine (with Transjordan).
3. Verein "Freunde der Taubstummen-Jedide Ilmim" (Schule und Internat Berlin-Weissensee), a notice printed towards Rosh Hashana with a request to support the Jewish school for the mute of "Freunde der Taubstummen-Jedide Ilmim". [Berlin], 1928. German.
On the bottom is a stub for sending membership fees and donations by mail. On top is an illustration by one of the school's students.
"Jedide Ilmim" was established in 1884 by the Jewish educator Markus Reich and in 1891, established an institution for the deaf and mute in Berlin. After the rise of the Nazis to power, the activity of "Jedide Ilmim" bwas forbidden and in 1942, the institution was shut down and its students were transported to extermination camps.
* "May you be written and sealed for a good year" (Hebrew), a color lithograph, with illustrations depicting the story of the Binding of Isaac, surrounded by biblical verses dealing with it. With illustrations of the Temple Mount and the Tower of David.
Size and condition vary.
Postcards, "Shanah Tova" Greeting Cards
Postcards, "Shanah Tova" Greeting Cards