Auction 51 Part I - Books Chassidism Manuscripts Rabbinical Letters

Even HaEzel with a Dedication Handwritten by the Author's Son-in-law Rabbi Aharon Kotler

Opening: $700
Sold for: $1,500
Including buyer's premium
Even HaEzel, on the Rambam, Parts 1-2. Nezikin. By Rabbi Isser Zalman Meltzer, Av Beit Din and Rosh Metivta in Slutsk and head of the Etz Chaim Yeshiva in Jerusalem. Jerusalem 1935. First edition.
Before the title page is a handwritten dedication signed by his son-in-law Rabbi Aharon Kotler.
Rabbi Aharon Kotler (1892-1962), disciple of the Saba of Slabodka. Famous Torah prodigy of the yeshiva world. [At the time he was a young man, the Or Sameach foresaw that he would become the Rabbi Akiva Eiger of the next generation]. Son-in-law of Rabbi Isser Zalman Meltzer. Served as Rosh Metivta and as head of his father-in-law's yeshiva in Slutsk. During World War I, he fled with his disciples to Poland and established the yeshiva in Kletzk. He was close to Rabbi Chaim Ozer and to the Chafetz Chaim. One of the founders of Va'ad HaYeshivot and member of Mo'etzet Gedolei HaTorah in Lithuania. During the Holocaust, he was able to escape to the US and founded the yeshiva gedola in Lakewood, NJ. One of the heads of Mo'etzet Gedolei HaTorah in the US and of Mercaz Chinuch Atzma'I in Eretz Yisrael. After the death of his father-in-law, Rabbi Isser Zalman Meltzer in Kislev 1951, Rabbi Kotler was appointed his successor as head of the Etz Chaim Yeshiva and he would commute from the US to Israel for a few weeks every year.
His father-in-law, Rabbi Isser Zalman told a story about the match between his daughter and Rabbi Aharon which expresses the great love he had for his son-in-law: "At one of my visits to Slabodka, young men approached me to speak to me in learning. One of them was Aharon Sislevitsher who was about 17 years old at the time. When he began to speak to me in learning, I immediately decided to take him as my son-in-law for my daughter Chana Perel but I decided not to say anything to anyone since I was afraid a wealthy man would come and snatch him for his daughter. Afterward, I returned to Slutsk but I was on guard concerning this shidduch. After a while, I heard that his name began to spread and I rushed to Slabodka to conclude the shidduch lest someone else precede me" (Derech Etz Chaim Part 1 p. 157). Rabbi Aharon's father-in-law took loving care of him. He raised him and taught him, preparing him to become a rabbi and teacher. He revered and honored him and constantly praised him. In Rabbi Yechezkel Abramsky's eulogy on R' Aharon Kotler, he said "This Sefer Torah called R' Aharon, was written by the Saba of Slabodka and proofread by Rabbi Isser Zalman Meltzer…".
[2], 88 leaves; 72 leaves. 33 cm. Brittle paper. Fair condition. Detached leaves. Slight tears to margins. Torn detached binding.
Signatures and Dedications
Signatures and Dedications