Auction 49 Part I - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Kinat Hashem Tzevaot – Kabbalistic Polemic by the Ramchal, Against the Sabbatean Doctrine – First Edition, Konigsberg 1862 / Netzach Yisrael, Vienna 1864

Opening: $300
Two polemic books on matters pertaining to the Sabbatean doctrine and faith: · Kinat Hashem Tzevaot, explaining the sayings of Rashbi in the Zohar, which were mistakenly interpreted by the followers of Sabbatai Zevi. By Rabbi Moshe Chaim Lutzato – the Ramchal. [Konigsberg, 1862]. First edition. VIII, 32 pages. 16.5 cm. Good-fair condition, detached leaves, unbound. Tears and minor damages to text. · Netzach Yisrael, polemic article supporting Rabbi Eliezer Horowitz, Rabbi of Vienna, and Rabbi Isaac Noah Mannheimer – "About their testimony of the unity of the Jewish faith in our times and the manner of faith at the time of the coming of the Messiah", by Isaac Hirsh Weiss. Vienna, 1864. 21, [1] page. 20.5 cm. Good-fair condition. Wear, restored tear to title page margin. The background of this work is an article written by Tzvi Graetz, interpreting the prophecy of Isaiah, and denying the coming of the Messiah. Graetz was brought to court for publishing ideas that were heretical to Catholic faith, but Rabbi Horowitz and Rabbi Mannheimer defended him. In his book Neshek Bar, Fuerth 1864, Rabbi Nissan Schidlow opposed this book. (See about this affair: Areshet, Issue 5, Jerusalem 1972, pp. 143-145; Kedem catalog, Auction 2, Item 149).
Polemic Books and Proclamations
Polemic Books and Proclamations