Auction 47 - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture

Georges Picquart – Handwritten Letter – Paris, 1900

Opening: $300
Georges Picquart, handwritten letter. Paris, October 1900. French.
A letter concerning legal matters, mentioning the French newspaper L'Écho de Paris and the name Lepelletier [apparently the journalist Edmond Lepelletier].
Georges Picquart (1854-1914), French army officer; known mainly for his struggle to prove Alfred Dreyfus's innocence during the Dreyfus Affair. [1] leaf folded into two (3 written pages). Good condition. Folding marks and stains.
Manuscripts and Autographs, Archives, Hebrew Literature and Periodicals, Yiddish Literature
Manuscripts and Autographs, Archives, Hebrew Literature and Periodicals, Yiddish Literature