Auction 40 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Tractate Me'ila, Kinin, Midot and Tamid – Venice, 1528-1529 – Bomberg Printing

Opening: $9,500
Babylonian Talmud, tractate Me'ila, Kinin, Midot and Tamid – with commentaries of Rashi, Tosfot and Piskei Tosfot. With tractate Smachot and tractate Sofrim. Venice, 1528-1529. Printed by Daniel Bomberg, second edition.
Complete copy, including title page. 47 leaves. 38 cm. Fair condition, spotting and moisture traces. Worm damages and wear. New binding.
Early Printed Books and Incunabula - Resh and Shin Years
Early Printed Books and Incunabula - Resh and Shin Years