Auction 40 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Tractate Nidah – Venice, 1530 – Bomberg Printing

Opening: $4,000
Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Nidah – with Rashi commentary and Tosfot, Piskei Tosfot, commentary on the Mishna and the Rosh. Venice 1530. Printed by Daniel Bomberg, second edition.
40, 49-86, [3] leaves. Missing leaves 41-48. Varying condition of leaves, fair-good. Title page with stains, worm damages, wear and tear. Coarse tears to title page and several leaves (with omissions), restored. Signatures and ownership inscriptions. New binding.
Early Printed Books and Incunabula - Resh and Shin Years
Early Printed Books and Incunabula - Resh and Shin Years