Auction 8 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Book of D'rashot and List of Bar Mitzvas

Opening: $200
Manuscripts, commentaries on the Torah and listing of aliyot to the Torah given to Bar Mitzva boys. Moshe Ha-Levi Birenbaum. 1928-1980.
On the title-page, it says "commentaries on the Torah, collected by Moshe Birenbaum Ha-Levi of Frankfurt am-Maine, Frankfurt am-Maine 1928".
Notes in German and Hebrew of ideas on the weekly Torah portions and holidays, with dates of listing, from the years 1943-1940. Many notes of Bar Mitzvas with dates. In few places, the Torah aliya which the Bar Mitzva boy received is also recorded.
20.5 cm, [90] written pages. Good condition. Stains. The title-page is detached. Some of the pages' edges are worn and torn. Plain cardboard cover.