Auction 8 - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Committee of Orthodox Jewish School in Hungary - Book of Protocols, 1890-1922

Opening: $400
Handwritten Book of Protocols, Committee of Orthodox Jewish School in town of Fèlegyházi, Hungary, 1890-1922.
The book includes handwritten summaries of the meetings of the school committee. Part of the documentation is listed in two columns: on one side the member's speech and on the other the response.
There is an official envelope inside the book's pages on which the institution's name is written, A Kiskunfèlegyházi orth. Izr. Hitközség elnökségétől.
At the end of each protocol the signatures of all those present appear. This includes names like Kestenbaum, Stern, Frank and others.
[1], 305 pages, 33.5 cm. good condition. Stains. Tears in the margins of some of the pages. New binding.