Auction 100 – Important Hebrew Manuscripts and Books from the Victor (Avigdor) Klagsbald Collection

Shaarei Dura – Venice, 1547 – Signatures

Opening: $800
Estimate: $1,000 - $1,200
Sold for: $1,000
Including buyer's premium

Shaarei Dura, called Isur VeHeter, by R. Yitzchak of Dura. Venice: Parenzo, 1547. Second edition.
Shaarei Dura, authored in the 13th century, is one of the most important classics on Isur VeHeter, and it is cited often by the authoritative poskim, the Beit Yosef and Rama.
The first edition of the book was printed in Kraków in 1534, under the name Isur VeHeter, and it is especially rare.
Printed on p. 47a: "Up to this point was arranged by R. Yitzchak son of R. Meir of Dura; from this point on are selections [from various authors] which also relate to Isur VeHeter… which we found in old editions [Kraków, 1534]".
Signature in Italian script on title page: "Efraim Tossaio Tzarfati". Additional inscription in Italian script: "I borrowed this book when I was in Arbo [Alba?] from the admirable Chai Tossaio, I Yaakov son of R. Shimshon Bachi" (R. Yaakov son of R. Shimshon Bachi, dayan in Vercelli ca. 1630s).

64 leaves. Approx. 21 cm. Overall good condition. Stains, including dampstains. Light wear. Worming. New binding.

CB, no. 5341,2; Zedner, p. 371.

Early Printed Books – Italy
Early Printed Books – Italy