Auction 100 – Important Hebrew Manuscripts and Books from the Victor (Avigdor) Klagsbald Collection

Akedat Yitzchak – Venice, 1547 – Glosses

Opening: $1,000
Estimate: $1,200 - $2,000
Sold for: $1,875
Including buyer's premium

Akedat Yitzchak, commentary on the Torah by R. Yitzchak Arama. Venice: Daniel Bomberg, 1547. Second edition.
Large-format volume.
Colophon at end of last leaf: "So says the man appointed over the labor, the least of the typesetters, Cornelio Adelkind Ashkenazi".
Ownership inscriptions on title page: "Purchased by R. Binyamin", "Purchased by R. Binyamin of Reggio", and additional inscription, partially blurred: "Shealtiel Chizkiyah Mod[ena]" (a rabbi in Modena; a responsum of his dated 1672 is printed in Responsa of the Ramaz, section 41 – see enclosed material). Additional Latin inscription on title page.
Many glosses in Italian script by several writers, some lengthy (some trimmed). On p. 86a, hand illustration of the sphere of the constellations. On margins of several leaves appear explanations of words and short notes in Latin.
Many censorship expurgations (complete lines erased in several places). On p. 76a a gloss also appears to have been deleted. On p. 295b, signature of censor Luigi da Bologna, dated 1601. 

309 leaves. 36.5 cm. Fair condition. Many stains, including dampstains and traces of former dampness (with light mold stains), and ink stains. Tears and open tears to title page and several other leaves, affecting text, repaired with paper (title page repaired around margins of verso). A few open tears to censorship expurgations, due to ink erosion. Worming (on last leaves in many places), affecting text, partially repaired with paper. Old binding with leather spine. Wear and damage to binding.

CB, no. 5312,5.

Early Printed Books – Italy
Early Printed Books – Italy