Online Auction 023 Part I + Part II - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture + Judaica

Collection of Signed Items – USA Vice Presidents – Quayle, Gore and Biden

Opening: $200
Sold for: $400
Including buyer's premium
A collection of items signed by USA vice presidents:
1-3. Two printed letters, signed by Albert (Al) Gore (Junior), USA Vice President under President Bill Clinton, in which he expresses at length his opinion about the State of Israel, its relationship with the USA and the Middle East (1991); an issue of AJC (American Jewish Committee) journal from June 1994, with a picture of Gore on the cover, signed by him.
4-5. A printed letter and speech, both signed by Joseph (Joe) Biden (Junior), USA Vice President under President Barack Obama.
6-10. Two printed letters, a printed Bristol board card, and two speeches, all signed by James Danforth "Dan" Quayle, USA Vice President under President George Herbert Walker Bush (Senior).
Enclosed: a printed letter, signed by Newt Gingrich, Speaker of the United States House of Representatives during the years 1995-1999, about the Israel-USA relationship, and several additional letters (by assistants and directors of bureaus).
Size varies. Good to very good condition. The original envelopes in which the letters were sent are enclosed.
Letters and Autographs
Letters and Autographs