Online Auction 023 Part I + Part II - Jewish and Israeli History and Culture + Judaica

Four Volumes of Poetry by Alexander Kusikov and Others – Moscow and Kiev, 1920 – One of the Books is Inscribed by Kusikov

Opening: $600
Four volumes of poetry by Alexander Kusikov and other Imaginist poets. Moscow and Kiev, ca. 1920. Russian. Illustrations by Boris Erdman and Georgi Yakulov. One of the books is inscribed by Kusikov.
1. Жемчужный коврик [A Pearl Rug], by Alexander Kusikov, Konstantin Balmont and Antony Sluchanovsky. [Moscow, ca. 1920].
Front cover illustration by Boris Erdman (Борис Эрдман, 1899-1960), a stage designer and graphic artist, member of the Imaginists.
On the first (blank) page is a Russian inscription handwritten by Alexander Kusikov (Александр Кусиков, 1896-1977), a prominent voice of the Imaginist movement in Russian poetry.
2. Коевангелиеран [Koevangelieran], by Alexander Kusikov. Moscow, 1920. Illustrations by Boris Erdman on the front cover and throughout the booklet.
3. В никуда [Going Nowhere], by Alexander Kusikov. Moscow: "Имажинисты" (Imaginists), 1920. The logo of the publishing house was designed by Boris Erdman. The illustration on the front cover and the author's portrait (p. 9) were created by Georgi Yakulov (Георгий Якулов, 1884-1928).
4. Коробейники счастья [Peddlers of Happiness], by Alexnader Kusikov and Vadim Shershenevich. Kiev, 1920. Front cover illustration by Boris Erdman.
Russian handwritten notes and markings on several pages.
Size and condition vary.
Provenance: The collection of Uzi Agassi.
Russian Avant-Garde
Russian Avant-Garde