Auction 16 - Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Nevi'im Achronim with Abarbanel Commentary - Soncino Press - Pesaro, 1520

Opening: $12,500
Nevi'im Achronim with commentary by Don Yitzchak Abarbanel. [Pesaro], Soncino Press, [1520].
Title page printed in ornate frame. In some copies reverse side of title page is blank; this copy contains a song of 52 stanzas, with acronym"Yehudah ben Yitzchak Abarbanel". At end, additional short song.
This copy is divided into two volumes; first volume contains first 200 leaves until Sefer Yirmiya; second volume contains 197 following leaves until Sefer Malachi. Last leaf (blank) - missing."Pesaro, 1512" mistakenly imprinted upon spine of second volume, however, it is the continuation of the first volume of the Pesaro press, year 1520.
First volume: Title page, 11 first leaves and last leaf contain restored tears and damages. Single moth holes upon title page and 11 first leaves. Stains and mildew damage on some leaves. Ancient glosses in Oriental handwriting.
Second volume: Restored tears and damages on margins and corners of many leaves. More severe damage on last leaves, with damage to text. Stains. Few comments in Sephardic handwriting.
[397] leaves (originally [398] leaves, leaf 398, missing in this copy -blank), 29.5 / 31 cm. New magnificent leather bindings.
From Dr. Israel Mehlman's private collection.
Early Printed Books - Resh and Shin Years
Early Printed Books - Resh and Shin Years